- Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Journal and Proceeding Articles Listed by Author
Journal and Proceeding Articles Listed by Author
Quantifying and Identifying Factors Influencing Length Changes in Popular Freshwater Fishes Preserved in Ice, 2022 |
Response of Herpetofauna to Silvicultural Prescriptions in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky, 1996 |
Bat Communities at Abandoned Railroad Tunnels in Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, 2010 |
Food Habits of Hybrid Buffalofish, Tilapia, Israeli Carp and Channel Catfish in Polyculture, 1975 |
The Effects of Riparian Logging and Large Woody Debris Addition on Stream Morphology, 2007 |
A Quantitative Evaluation of the Severinghaus Technique for Estimating Age of White-tailed Deer, 2006 |
Exploitation and Length Limit Evaluation of Largemouth Bass in Three Georgia Small Impoundments, 2014 |
Endrin: Effects on Several Estuarine Organisms, 1974 |
Aroclor@ 1254 in Eggs of Sheepshead Minnows: Effect on Fertilization Success and Survival of Embryos and Fry, 1973 |
Multi-scale Winter Roost Site Selection by Rafinesque's Big-eared Bats and Southeastern Myotis in Bottomland Hardwood Forests in Mississippi, 2010 |
A Practical Application Of Satellite Imagery To Wildlife Habitat Evaluation, 1977 |
A Comparison Between Anglers Using Live Bait and Artificial Lures for Largemouth Bass in Three Mississippi Lakes, 2012 |
A Survey of Hand Grabbing Catfish Anglers at Ross Barnett Reservoir, Mississippi, 2010 |
The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Of The Greer's Ferry Reservoir Cold Tailwater, Little Red River, Arkansas, 1972 |
Characteristics and Success of Wild Brown Trout Redds in 2 Western North Carolina Streams, 1985 |
Intragravel Characteristics In Some Western North Carolina Trout Streams, 1978 |
Production and Economic Comparison of Single Versus Multiple Harvests of Hybrid Catfish in a Commercial In-pond Raceway System in West Alabama Targeting Two Market Outlets, 2019 |
Comparison of Otoliths and Scales in Estimating Age of Redbreast Sunfish and Green Sunfish in the Yellow River Watershed, Georgia, 2019 |
Relationships Among Catch, Angler Satisfaction, and Fish Assemblage Characteristics of an Urban Small Impoundment Fishery, 2017 |
Rodent Abundance and Home Range Characteristics within Loblolly Pine Plantations Managed for Biofuels Production, 2010 |
Assessing Genetic Diversity of Migratory and Non-migratory Birds in a Rapidly Developing Region of the Georgia Piedmont, 2020 |
Comparison of Otoliths and Scales in Estimating Age of Redbreast Sunfish and Green Sunfish in the Yellow River Watershed, Georgia, 2019 |
Molecular and Analytical Approaches to Evaluate Chromium Contamination of Estuarine Systems in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 2014 |
Spatial and Temporal Differences of Atlantic Menhaden Recruitment across Major Drainages of the Chesapeake Bay, 2006 |
Southeastern U.S. Wintering Areas and Recovery of Loggerhead Shrike, migrans subspecies, 2010 |
The Relationship Of Understory Vegetation To Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Activity., 1978 |
Spatial Education: Exploiting Space-structured Decision-making to Reduce Management Uncertainty, 2011 |
The Effects of Contaminants on Sperm Quality and Intersex Condition of Smallmouth Bass in the Potomac River, 2007 |
Assessing Genetic Diversity of Migratory and Non-migratory Birds in a Rapidly Developing Region of the Georgia Piedmont, 2020 |
Involvement of State Fishery Managers in White Marlin Conservation: A Case Study, 2002 |
Waterfowl Hunting Activities and Harvest in the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma, 1960-1963, 1964 |
Evaluation of Downing Population Reconstruction: Simulations for Black Bear and White-tailed Deer Populations, 2006 |
An Evaluation of Vitamin E and Selenium as a Treatment for Capture Myopathy in Rio Grande Wild Turkeys, 2010 |
Seasonal Distribution and Movement of Striped Bass in Lewis Smith Reservoir, Alabama, 2003 |
Evaluation of Utilization, Harvest and Hunting Pressure on Privately Owned Hunting Areas, 1965 |
A Device to Weigh Large Animals in the Field, 1982 |
Relative Survival of Walleye Fry Versus Fingerlings in Two Illinois Reservoirs, 1985 |
Gopher Tortoise Response to Large-scale Clearcutting in Northern Florida, 1993 |
Sport Fisheries Exploitation in Riverine Sections of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, 1991 |
Hatching Success of American Alligator Eggs When Subjected to Simulated Collection Trauma, 2004 |
Efficacy And Residues Of Quinaldine Sulfate, An Anesthetic For Striped Bass (Roccus Saxatilis), 1970 |
A Report on the Use of Karmex to Control Filamentous Algae in Fish Ponds, 1964 |
Food Habits Of Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus Osseusj And Florida Gar (Lepisosteus Platyrhincusj Collected From Five Central Florida Lakes, 1970 |
A Summary of Agricultural Conservation Program Practices in Kentucky as They Affect Land Use Relating to Wildlife, 1961 |
Surveys of Black Bear Hunters on Private Forest Ownerships in Eastern North Carolina, 2009 |
Comparison of Deer Census Techniques Applied to a Known Population in a Georgia Enclosure, 1965 |
Visual Estimation of Biomass and Application of Three White-tailed Deer HSI Models in Suburban Habitats, 1997 |
Hunting And Trapping Furbearers In Texas: A Personal Experience, 1977 |
The Emerging Game Manager, 1967 |
Damage to Loblolly Pine by Winter Roosting Blackbirds and Starlings, 1976 |
Various Techniques of Evaluating Exotic Game Bird Releases, 1963 |
Limited Genetic Divergence in Populations of the Sheepshead in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2008 |
Age, Growth, and Status of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Lower Ogeechee River, Georgia, 2003 |
Cryptozoology: A Case Study using Molecular Markers to Identify Cryptic Species, 2008 |
Preliminary Report on the Movement and Fate of Raccoons Released in Unfamiliar Territory, 1973 |
Annual Expenditures of Black Bass Tournament and Non-tournament Anglers at O. H. Ivie Reservoir, Texas, 2006 |
Evaluation Of A Multi-Species Catfish Pond, 1972 |
Management Implications Of Bass Fishing Tournaments, 1972 |
An 11-Year Summary of Fish Disease Cases at the Southeastern Cooperative Fish Disease Laboratory, 1975 |
Nondestructive Quantitative Sampling for Freshwater Mussels in Variable Substrate Streams, 1994 |
Annual Expenditures of Black Bass Tournament and Non-tournament Anglers at O. H. Ivie Reservoir, Texas, 2006 |
Texas River Access and Conservation Areas: A Case Study in Use of Riparian Leases to Enhance Angler Access and Facilitate River Stewardship, 2020 |
Starch Gel Electrophoresis for the Study of Population Genetics in White-Tailed Deer, 1975 |
Restoration of Warm Water Lakes and Ponds on the National Forests in Mississippi and Louisiana, 1985 |
Utilization of the Public in Surveying Rare and Endangered Species Negative and Positive Aspects, 1973 |
Structure of Avian Habitat Following Hay and Biofuels Production in Native Warm-season Grass Stands in the Mid-South, 2014 |
Population Status and Habitat Associations of Cerulean Warblers from the Southern-most Breeding Range in Alabama, 2009 |
Experimental Use of the Haul Seine for Rough Fish Removal in Four Tennessee Impoundments, 1964 |
Vegetation Type Preferences Of Attwater's Prairie Chicken In Coastal Prairie, 1977 |
The Influence Of Environmental Parameters On Nesting Success Of Upland Game Birds, 1978 |
Population Status, Hab.Itat And Movement Of Elk In The Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas', 1977 |
Implementing a Regional Shorebird and Waterfowl Survey and Monitoring Database, 2005 |
Selection for Antler Points and Body Weight in White-Tailed Deer, 1984 |
Walleye Movement, Distribution, and Habitat Use in Laurel River Lake, Kentucky, 2001 |
, Evaluating Brook Trout Egg and Alevin Survival at Different Temperatures in Simulated Karst Environments with Marl Sedimentation |
, Home Range, Habitat Use, and Movement Patterns of Female Coyotes in Georgia: Implications for Fawn Predation |
Reproductive Patterns, Productivity And Genetic Variability In Adjacent White-Tailed Deer Populations, 1977 |
Factors Related to the Genetic Composition and Fishing Quality of Largemouth Bass Fisheries, 2008 |
The Ecology And Distribution Of Banana Waterlily And Its Utilization By Canvasback Ducks, 1979 |
Public Sentiment: An Important Factor in Fishery Management, with Special Reference to the Fisheries of the St. Johns River and Lake Okeechobee, Florida, 1951 |
Final Report On The Success Of Largemouth Bass-Bluegill And Largemouth Bass-Shell-Cracker Rates And Ratios In Kentucky Farm Ponds, 1958 |
Use of Shadow Bass Stock Characteristics to Evaluate Natural and Scenic Waterways in Mississippi, 2000 |
Future Opportunity: Multi-agency Cooperative Programs to Address Wildlife Management in Changing Oak Forests, 2006 |
Fish and Wildlife Management in the New Millennium: Perspective from Federal Resource Agencies, 1999 |
A Study of the African Cichlid, Tilapia heudeloti dumeril, in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1964 |
Recent Status of Florida's Bald Eagle Population and Its Role in Eagle Reestablishment Efforts in the Southeastern United States, 1998 |
Population Characteristics of a White-tailed Deer Herd in an Industrial Pine Forest of North-central Louisiana, 2012 |
Survival and Cause-Specific Mortality of White-tailed Deer in Southeastern Kentucky, 2018 |
The Taxonomic Status of Wild Canis in Kentucky, 2001 |
Social Grouping of White-tailed Deer in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 1983 |
Movements of White-tailed Deer in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 1985 |
Characteristics of Wild Turkey Hunters in Texas, 1999 |
An Assessment of Game Warden Personnel Needs in Texas, 1997 |
Effects of a Smallmouth Bass Minimum Size Limit on the Shenandoah River Sport Fishery, 1983 |
Fish Mortalities Associated With Goezia Sp. (Nematoda: Ascaroidea) In Central Florida, 1971 |
Alabama's Tennessee River Waterfowl Project 23·0: Its Administration and Development, 1950 |
Statuses of State Listed Freshwater Mussel Populations in North Carolina, 1994 |
Conservation of Aquatic Critical Habitats in North Carolina, 1993 |
Some Aspects of Reproduction and Age Structures in the Black Bear in North Carolina, 1973 |
State Line Motor Vehicle Checkpoints for Fish and Wildlife Violations, 1984 |
Caging Atlantic Menhaden: Collection, Husbandry, and in situ Bioassays with a Sensitive Estuarine Species, 2004 |
A Structured Decision Process for Revising the US Fish and Wildlife Service Policy on Double-crested Cormorant Management, 2011 |
Temporal Patterns of Angler Use and Abundance of Stocked 229-mm Channel Catfish in Twenty Small Texas Impoundments, 2016 |
Expansion of a Northern Snakehead Population in Virginia Potomac River Tributaries, 2006 |
Northern Bobwhite Habitat Use, Survival, and Nest Success in a Forest- and Agriculture-dominated Landscape, 2005 |
Foods Available to Waterfowl in Fallow Ricefields of Southwest Louisiana, 1960-1961, 1961 |
Efficacy of a Liquid Live Micro-organisms System, to Reduce Sediments and Improve Water Quality and Koi Carp Production in Hatchery Ponds, 2006 |
Maintaining Early-successional Habitats Using a Metal Wick Herbicide Applicator, 1998 |
Evaluation of Habitat Manipulation for Ducks in an Alabama Beaver Pond Complex, 1975 |
Relationships of Gobbler Population Size to Harvest Characteristics on a Public Hunting Area in Mississippi, 1993 |
Some Observations On The Recovery Of Diving Ducks Banded In The Maryland Portion Of Chesapeake Bay, 1958 |
Design and Implementation of Estimation-based Monitoring Programs for Flora and Fauna: A Case Study on the Cherokee National Forest, 2007 |
Predlcabillty Of Deer Forages Using Overstory Measurements, 1978 |
South Carolina's Wildlife Conservation Workshop: a 7-Year Case Study, 1998 |
TVA Regional Heritage Program: A Land-Use Planning Tool For Fish And Wildlife Resource Planners, 1978 |
Social Behavior And Migration Patterns of Blue and Snow Geese Wintering in Louisiana and Eastern Texas, 1973 |
Predation in Warm Water Reservoirs by Wintering Common Mergansers, 1973 |
Woodcock Singing Grounds and Diurnal Habitat in North Central Oklahoma, 1975 |
Helminth Parasites of American Eels From Brackish Water, 1981 |
Metazoan Ectoparasitic Fauna of American Eels from Brackish Water, 1985 |
Restoration of Warm Water Lakes and Ponds on the National Forests in Mississippi and Louisiana, 1985 |
Seasonal Cycles Of Net Plankton In A Cold-Tailwater And A Natural Stream In The State Of Arkansas, 1970 |
, Trends in Biomass and Relative Weight of Brook Trout in Response to Introduction of Non-native Brown Trout in an Appalachian Mountain Stream |
Development Of Color Pattern In Pond-Reared Young Of Five Micropterus Species Of Southeastern U. S., 1971 |
Standardization of Missouri Angler Surveys, 1995 |
Relations among Angler Use, Harvest, and Stocking Rates of Channel Catfish in Missouri Impoundments, 2005 |
Quantifying and Identifying Factors Influencing Length Changes in Popular Freshwater Fishes Preserved in Ice, 2022 |
Development of a Backyard Wildlife Habitat Model, 1988 |
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Translocation Experiments in South Carolina, 1987 |
Attitudes of Wild Turkey Hunters Toward Potential Regulation Changes in Mississippi, 1996 |
Illegal Turkey Hunting in Mississippi, 1997 |
, Space Use, Daily Movements, and Roosting Behavior of Male Wild Turkeys During Spring in Louisiana and Texas |
, Movements of Wild Turkey Hunters During Spring in Louisiana |
Survival and Cause-Specific Mortality of White-tailed Deer in Southeastern Kentucky, 2018 |
The Ecology of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Eastern United States with particular reference to Virginia, 1964 |
Evaluation of the Efficacy of an On-line Angler Diary, 2008 |
Socio-economic Characteristics of Anglers Participating in a Common Carp Fishing Tournament in Austin, Texas, 2006 |
Effects of Water-level Reductions on Littoral Habitat and Recreational Access in Brazos River Reservoirs, Texas, 2015 |
Review and Discussion of Biological Investigations in The Lower Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers, 1974 |
Movement Of 1970 Yearclass Striped Bass Between Virginia, New York, And New England, 1978 |
Dredging, Filling, And The Inalienable Public Trust — The Future Of Florida's Submerged Environment, 1970 |
Improvement of a Catch-per-unit-effort Estimator for White-tailed Deer Populations, 2011 |
Habitat Use by Southern Fox Squirrel in Coastal South Carolina, 1989 |
Status of Historical Translocations of Gopher Tortoises Outside of Their Geographic Range in Central Alabama, 2024 |
Black Bear Harvest and Nuisance Behavior in Response to Gypsy Moth Infestation, 1994 |
Influences of Drawdown on Shorebird Use of Mudflats in Two East Tennessee River Reservoirs, 2007 |
Preliminary Avian Habitat and Animal Performance Response to an Integrated Forage/Biofuels Management System in the Mid-south, 2011 |
Behavioral Responses of Female White-tailed Deer to Small Game Hunting Activities, 2020 |
Fresh Water Commercial Fishing As Viewed By The Law Enforcement Division Mississippi Game And Fish Commission, 1969 |
Bird And" Mammal Damage To Mature Corn In Kentucky And Tennessee, 1978 |
Bird Damage to Sprouting Corn in Kentucky and Tennessee, 1983 |
The Contribution of an Exotic Fish, the Oscar, to the Sport Fishery of the Everglades Water Conservation Areas, 1994 |
Aerial Surveys for Prairie Grouse Leks: Detectability, Disturbance Response, and, 2008 |
Growth of Hybrids of Striped Bass x White Bass Fed Redbelly Tilapia or Trout Pellets, 1989 |
Patterns of Horseshoe Crab Egg Depletion by Foraging Shorebirds in Delaware Bay, 2007 |
A Structured Decision Process for Revising the US Fish and Wildlife Service Policy on Double-crested Cormorant Management, 2011 |
Demographics of the Gulf Coast Subpopulation of Mid-continent Sandhill Cranes, 1999 |
Comparison of Two Otolith Processing Methods for Estimating Age of Silver Carp , 2024 |
Brook Trout Response to Canopy and Large Woody Debris Manipulations in Appalachian Streams, 2007 |
Relationship of Oak Seedling Height and Diameter with Bottomland Elevation, 2005 |
Woodland Salamander and Small Mammal Responses to Alternative Silvicultural Practices in the Southern Appalachians of North Carolina, 2000 |
Evaluation of Bias in the Proportion of White-tailed Deer Fawns Sighted from Helicopters, 1990 |
Does Amount of Urban Area Around Predominantly Rural Banding Sites for Mourning Doves Affect Harvest in the Carolinas?, 2021 |
Interrelationship Of Vegetative Cover And Sunfish Population Density In Suppressing Spawning In Largemouth Bass, 1977 |
Channel Catfish Movements in Relation to River Channel-Floodplain Connections, 1997 |
What are Hunters Willing to Pay for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Management? A Comparison of Different Contingent Valuation Approaches, 2024 |
Preliminary Evaluation Of Three Strains Of Largemouth Bass, Micropterus Salmoides (Lacepede), Stocked In Ponds In South Alabama, 1971 |