Evaluation of Habitat Manipulation for Ducks in an Alabama Beaver Pond Complex

A three-year study was initiated in 1972 to evaluate habitat manipulation practices of ducks in a beaver pond complex located at Hardaway, Macon County, Alabama. Three methods for controlling water level were not eflective. Seed yields were determined for four planted and one naturally occurring plant species. Japanese millet (Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea) averaged 2342 kglha: jungle rice (Echinochloa colunum), 1847 kglha; chiwapa millet (Echinochloa frumentacea), 2064 kg/ha; sunflower (Heliantlllls sp.J, 1625 kg/ha; and red-rooted sedge (Cypenls erythrorhizos), & 34 kglha. During the hunting seasons of 1972-1975, 134 dabbling ducks were collected for food habit analysis. The five most important food items ranked by importance value for the combined period were: Quercus nigra, Ludwigia leptocarpa, Sparganium chlorocarpum, Glycine max, and Polygonum hydrol'iperiodes. The planting of several millet species for ducks was of little value on this study area.

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