A Dynamite Sampling Study on the Hiwassee and Ocoee Rivers in East Tennessee

In the winter of 1960 and 1961 the Tennessee Game and Fish Commission received reports that fish kills had occurred on the Hiwassee River. During the month of March, 1961 a study was developed on the Hiwassee and Ocoee Rivers to determine the fish population and to locate as accurately as possible the area or areas of adverse conditions relative to fish survival. Six stations were selected in cooperation with the Tennessee Stream Pollution Control Board. Due to the large volume of water the percussion method was employed as a sampling technique. At two of the six stations carp were tethered to try to determine the effect of the explosive on fish. While this report is primarily concerned with the fish population, attention is given to the use of dynamite as a samplng technique in the hope that it may be of aid in future studies of this type.

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