Sawtooth Oak Planting Trials with Site Preparation

Data are presented on the survival and growth response of planted 1-0 sawtooth oak seedlings to 4 site preparation treatments on loamy and sandy soils following clearcutting of the residual forest stands. The 4 site treatments were: (1) control, (2) burn, (3) chopping with a Marden chopper, and (4) KG blading followed by disking. In early April 1975, 12 sawtooth oaks were planted in each treatment plot. In October 1980, 6 growing seasons after planting, the average tree survival dropped from 76% in 1978 to 68% on the sandy soil, but remained at 84% on the loamy soil Average tree height was 111 cm on the sandy soil and 156 cm on the loamy soil. There were no significant survival or height differences between site treatments. At age 7 years from seed, there was no indication of flowering or fruiting. Recurrent attacks by leaf miners and twig girdlers appeared to have lessened tree growth and the capability to produce acorns.

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