The Association’s Biologist of the Year Awards are presented to two career biologists of state wildlife agencies, one each in the categories of wildlife and fisheries, who in the opinion of the SEAFWA Awards Committee have made outstanding contributions toward wildlife/fisheries conservation. Each award is presented during the awards banquet at the Association’s annual conference.
All Association member agencies are encouraged to submit nominees for consideration. Nominations should include information on the candidate’s background such as education, training, career accomplishments, and the achievement for which the nomination is being submitted. As much information as practical within the space constraints should be furnished to aid the Committee in making a selection.
Nomination guidelines:
- Nominees must be employees of member agencies in the Association and nominations must be submitted through the agency head.
- Each state is limited to two nominees annually, one for each category of wildlife and fisheries work.
- Nominations may be given for a specific project, a career of work, or a combination of both.
- Nominations should consist of a short (250-word) description of the contribution for which the nomination is being made, accompanied by biographical information about the nominee.
Recommendations for any special awards or recognitions to be presented in the name of the SEAFWA may also be made to the Awards Committee.
Nominations should be submitted to SEAFWA Awards Committee Chair. The deadline is August 30, 2024.