Proceedings of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference

Prior to 2013, SEAFWA published the Proceedings of annual conferences. In 2014, SEAFWA began publishing the peer-reviewed Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

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2101 - 2150 of 4522 articles | 50 per page | page 43


Article Year

Methods of Applying Liquid Fertilizer to Fish Ponds

When applied to ponds at equivalent rates, liquid fertilizer was much more effective than granular triple superphosphate in increasing futrable orthophate concentrations.

Claude E. Boyd, W. D. Hollerman

Pages 525-530

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Growth Response of Cage-Cultured Channel Catfish Fed Two Commercial Diets

Six cages (1 m3 each) suspended in a Virginia pond were each stocked with 100 channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fingerlings (127 mm TL, average) to evaluate 2 commercial fish feeds, each replicated 3 times. Both commercial diets were nutritionally complete and expanded 4-mm diameter pellets of comparable texture, color, and water stability. The daily feeding rate was 3% of biomass during the 124-day feeding period. Growth, net production, and feed utilization efficiencies with commercial trout feed were significantly greater than with commercial catfish cage feed.

L. A. Helfrich, J. C. Dean, D. L. Weigmann

Pages 531-540

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Growth of Four Strains of Channel Catfish in Communal Ponds

Growth studies of channel catfish (Icatalurus punctatus) from 2 domestic and 2 wild strains were conducted in ponds. Growth rate, percent survival and size variability were evaluated. Domestic strains had higher growth rates than wild strains. There were no significant differences among strains for survival. Initial variations at stocking in length and weight among strains (as a function of time of spawning) were reduced during the growing season.

Meryl C. Broussard, Jr., R. R. Stickney

Pages 541-546

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Growth Comparison of Inbred and Randombred Catfish at Different Temperatures

First generation inbred channel catfIsh (Ictalurus punctaius) were produced from full brother-sister matings to be compared in growth response to various temperature regimes to a control family produced from the same base population. Temperature regimes involved: (1) constant 22 C well water for 28 weeks, (2) well water heated to 27 C for 20 weeks and not heated (22 C) for the subsequent 8 weeks, and (3) ambient temperature of a 2-ha reservoir. Results indicated that genetic divergence between 2 lines was associated with a differential response to temperature regime.

K. Bondari

Pages 547-553

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Commercial Polyculture of Bigmouth Buffalo and Channel Catfish in Oklahoma

Bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) in 1.6-ha commercial channel catfish ponds fed entirely on zooplankton did not use demand feeders. Catfish ponds with buffalo stocked at 14 to 125 fish/ha had an average zooplankton density of 14 ml/m3 , as compared to 57 mlIm3 in catfish monoculture ponds. At a stocking rate of 500 buffalo/ha, 681 kg/ha of buffalo were produced in addition to the catfish crop.

Eugene L. Torrans, H. P. Clemens

Pages 554-561

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Polyculture of Buffalo Hybrids with Channel Catfish

Bigmouth buffalo (BM) (Ictiobus cyrinellus) X black buffalo (BL) (L niger) and BL X BM were compared with BM parentals when reared in polyculture with channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), grass carp (Ctenopharynogodon idella) , and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) over a 2-season period. All buffalo were 1 year old when stocked and 2~ years of age at harvest. All other fish were yearlings when stocked. Stocking rates per hectare were 2500 catfish, 30 grass carp, 100 bass and 250 buffalo.

Scott H. Newton, C. J. Haskins, J. M. Martin

Pages 562-565

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A Study of Abnormal Characteristics of Channel Catfish and Blue Tilapia

Abnormal characteristics studied were taillessness, triple-tailed, crookedback, albinism, and piebaldness in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and missing dorsal rm in blue tilapia (Tilapia aurea). Tailless catfish were divided into 2 groups: (1) totally tailless with the caudal rm completely missing and (2) partially tailless with the caudal rm reduced in size and modified in shape. Results indicated that the absence of the caudal rm in channel catfish severely reduced body weight and total length and should be selected against.

K. Bondari

Pages 566-578

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Lack of Consistency of Age and Growth Analyses in Oklahoma

Age and growth data pertaining to particular year-classes of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), white bass (Morone chrysops), gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), blue catfish (Ictalurus (urcatus) , and channel catfish (L punctatus) from particular Oklahoma impoundments were tested for consistency of backcalculations at particular annulus formations among sampling years.

Gregory W. Wigtil

Pages 579-584

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Reproductive Biology of Chain Pickerel in Lake Conway, Florida

The reproductive biology of chain pickerel in Lake Conway, Florida was studied from July 1976 to June 1977. The overall ratio of females to males was 1.1:1.0. Spawning apparently took place in shallow water among thick Vallisneria during a sharply dermed period from December to February. Average fecundity per female was 1232. Youngest fish to spawn were 2 years old.

Vincent Guillory

Pages 585-591

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Food of Larval Yellow Perch in a South Carolina Reservoir Receiving Heated Effluent

Food of larval yellow perch (Perea flaveseens) from Keowee Reservoir, South Carolina was determined before (1973) and after (1976) power production began a 2,580-MW nuclear power plant Mean water temperatures at 1 m increased 2-3 C throughout the reservoir by 1976. The diet of larvae examined consisted exclusively of zooplankton. Cyclopoid copepods, Diapromus mississippiensis and Diaphanosoma braehyurum were the principal organisms eaten in all areas even though other organism were sometimes more abundant.

James L. Oliver

Pages 592-597

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Foods of Channel Catfish During Flooding of the Tombigbee River, Mississippi

Food items of 29 channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) collected during flooding of the Tombigbee River, Mississippi were almost exclusively composed of insects although other arthropods and in 1 case 2 rodents were eaten Terrestrial insects composed 84.7%, by weight, of the food eaten by catfish taken during floods compared to 1.2%, by weight, of the stomach contents of 15 catfish taken during normal flow conditions.

H. R. Robinette, S. S. Knight

Pages 598-606

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Biological Investigation of Flathead Catfish in the Cape Fear River

Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) were introduced into the Cape Fear River in 1966 when 11 adult specimens weighing in a total of 107 kg were released near Fayetteville, North Carolina. The population has expanded from this initial release and now inhabits a 201·km section of the Cape Fear River. Growth rates of flathead catfish during this expansion phase has exceeded rates of riverine populations as previously reported by other investigators.

C. R. Guier, L. E. Nichols, R. T. Rachels

Pages 607-621

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An Ecological Investigation of Cutoff Bendways in the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (Tombigbee River): An Overview

A field investigation of 3 cutoff bendways and 1 natural bendway in the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (Tombigbee River) was conducted from December 1979 to September 1980. Conductivity, pH, and current were significantly different (P < 0.05) among transects regarding corresponding bendway locations. Conductivity, dissolved oxygen, current, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, secchi visibility, turbidity, ammonia, total phosphorus, and orthophosphorus were significantly different among bendways.

H. R. Robinette, W. J. Lorio

Pages 622-631

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Distribution of Spawning Blueback Herring on the West Branch of Cooper River and the Santee River, South Carolina

The distribution of spawning blueback herring was determined on the West Branch of Cooper River and on the Santee River, South Carolina. On the West Branch of Cooper River, the main river channel and abandoned ricefields were utilized for spawning. The use of tributaries for spawning was limited. On the Santee River, the main river channel and tributaries were utilized for spawning.

Richard W. Christie, P. T. Walker, A. G. Eversole, T. A. Curits

Pages 632-640

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The Striped Bass X White Bass Hybrid in West Point Reservoir

The striped bass (9) white bass (d') hybrid (Monroe saxatilis X chrysops) was fIrst stocked into West Point Reservoir in May of 1978. Fishermen interviews established that a fIshery had developed as early as January of 1979. The hybrid bass were stocked at 2 rates over the period of study, 84 mixed fry and fingerlings per hectare in 1978 and 150 mixed fry and fingerlings per hectare in 1979.

Richard A. Ott, Jr., S. P. Malvestuto

Pages 641-646

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Gonadal Development, Growth and Condition of Sand Seatrout From Louisiana

Numerous young of the year sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) trawled from West Hackberry nearshore sites along the Louisiana coast indicated spawning peaks occurred during spring and late summer. Sexual maturity is reached at about 1 year of age and 150 mm SL for males and females. Growth of zero-year class sand seatrout during summer to fall and fall to winter was approximately 40 mm SL. Standard length of sand seatrout collected during the study ranged from 26 to 268 mm.

Randy L. Pitre, A. M. Landry, Jr.

Pages 647-653

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Effects of Fishing Regulation Changes on Lotic Wild Trout Populations

Effects of liberalized season and the institution of a trophy trout water classification were evaluated at 35 sample stations on 24 trout streams. Trout standing crop significantly increased (0.05 level) at 1 station and significantly decreased at 2 stations. Two stations showed significant increases and 2 stations showed significant decreases in trout abundance. Analyses of pooled data for all streams indicated no significant change. Following the implementation of the 11month season, trout standing crop increased in 50% of the streams and 71% exhibited an increase in trout abundance.

Paul J. Wingate, R. J. Brown, J. H. Davies, J. H. Mickey, W. R. Bonner, H. M. Ratledge

Pages 654-660

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The Influence of Knowledge on Young People's Perceptions About Wildlife

Knowledge and attitudes are major components of environmental perception and are important influences on each other. Knowledge about ecological concepts, wildlife, and endangered and threatened species was measured, using 1,300 8th-graders in Broward County, Florida, as the sample group. Knowledge scores were associated with attitudes, non-consumptive attitude orientations, involvement in animal activities, and other variables. Knowledge plays a relatvely minor role in predicting attitudes.

David E. LaHart

Pages 661-668

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Steel Shot: Our Only Alternative

Lead poisoning of waterfowl is a serious problem causing a loss nationwide of about 2 million ducks and geese each year. Using non-toxic shot on key problem areas may be as significant to the well-being of our waterfowl resource as preserving nesting areas, a project which has long been an important objective of waterfowlers. Yet many hunters fail to see the extent of the lead poisoning problem or object to the use of steel shot for various reasons.

Julia McSherry

Pages 669-673

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Trappers and Houndsmen: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

The conflict between trappers and houndsmen in many areas of the southeast, over the same resource, the raccoon, has nationwide implications. Animal rights organizations have publicly attacked trapping, and indications are that these anti-organizations are encouraging the conflict between trappers and houndsmen to help their goal to abolish trapping, then coursing and other forms of hunting with dogs. Trappers and houndsmen must unite and form an alliance to collectively fight this threat to both sports.

Michael F. O'Malley

Pages 674-678

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The Business of Wildlife

One of the most important, yet difficult challenges facing wildlife agencies is increasing the public's awareness of the economic value of wildlife. Wildlife associated recreation including hunting, fishing, bird watching and other outdoor activities all add dollars to national and state economies. Yet, loss of this potential is rarely considered when conflicts occur between habitat protection and development. This slide show addresses the economic value of wildlife and can be adapted for use by all states in the Southeastern Association membership.

Ted Dossett, S. Baynes

Pages 679-680

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Audiences Served By Fisheries and Wildlife Extension

A system for program development and evaluation of fisheries and wildlife extension programs is presented. The system based on the character and needs of potential audiences. Landowners, commercial interests, general public, youth groups and conservation organizations are considered the important citizen audiences. Significant professional audiences include university colleagues, natural resource agency professionals, and university students. For each audience, a rationale for involvement and suggestions for the nature and extent of program development is provided.

Peter T. Bromley, L. A. Helfrich, G. H. Cross

Pages 681-684

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How to Conduct a Conservation Education Workshop

Members of federal and state agencies as well as the public schools are being asked to provide conservation education information and activities for the general public. This session deals with successful teacher conservation education training activities in Oklahoma, general methods and procedures that characterize a successful workshop, and research providing data concerning workshop effectiveness.

Ted Mills

Pages 685-688

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Considerations in Evaluating Hunter Education Programs

The need for effective hunter education is great and growing. Program effectiveness should be evaluated by agency administrators and external authorities. Administrators can perform a self-evaluation, based on a new model of the ideal program developed by the Hunter Education Committee of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the North American Association of Hunter Safety Coordinators. The model recognizes the role of external evaluation to penetrate the difficult questions of educational effectiveness of the program.

Peter T. Bromley, E. L. Hampton

Pages 689-694

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Law Enforcement Ethics and Professionalism

James H. Hethcox

Pages 695-699

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Regulatory Influence of the Corps of Engineers Permit Branch in Texas

The enforcement of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act has been delegated to the Permit Branch of the Corps of Engineers. The scope of the jurisdiction of the Permit Branch is discussed as well as the procedures of enforcement of Federal Regulations. The methods and problems of resolving an unauthorized fill activity in waters of the United States is discussed. The influence of public interest in issuing a permit in an environmentally sensitive area is discussed through a case history.

Randy L. Pitre

Pages 700-706

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An Inside Perspective of Covert Wildlife Investigations

Robert B. King

Pages 707-712

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Beaver Control and Furbearer Resources in Mississippi

Mississippi has attempted to control its beaver population by paying bounties, hiring trappers, releasing alligators, and by providing trapper education. The trapper education program, coordinated with the state's fur industry has proven to be an effective beaver control system. Suggestions are given for maximizing the effectiveness of the fur industry in predator control.

K. B. Brown

Pages 713-715

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Fishing With Electricity - A Law Enforcement Problem

With the electronic age, there has come a small electrical fishing device no larger than an ice cube. This new electronic telephone, in the hands of dishonest flshermen, has created a challenge for the Texas Game Warden. A challenge that has resulted in research and law change.

Charles J. Hensley

Pages 716-719

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Surveillance and Wildlife Law Enforcement

Do sophisticated electronic surveillance devices have a place in wildlife law enforcement? Some say yes and some say no. The Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission has proven, through application of basic surveillance techniques and procedures in conjunction with electronic devices, that these devices are one of the most valuable tools in wildlife law enforcement today. These devices are available, easy to use, dependable and adequate units are inexpensive.

B. N. Branch

Pages 720-726

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Methods of Improving Public Relations

The authors emphasize the need for a good public relations plan by each wildlife enforcement officer. Various areas of this plan are discussed.

Mike Pledger, W. F. Hailey

Pages 727-729

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Summary Of The First Southeastern Vital Statistics Survey

Robert M. Brantly

Pages 1-4

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Political Assault On Wildlife Management: Is There a defense?

J. W. Goodrich

Pages 5-10

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Winter Movement Of Florida And Northern Largemouth Bass Near A Heated Effluent

Winter home ranges and movements of northern and Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides salmoides and M. s. floridanus) in a heated cove of Boomer Lake, Oklahoma, were estimated by using ultrasonic telemetry. Within the heated cove, individuals of both subspecies (3 northern, 2 Florida) occupied home ranges that appeared to be related to the distribution of heated water, cover, current, depth, and food. Other fish of both subspecies left the heated cove and did not return.

Douglas A. Nieman, M. D. Clady

Pages 11-18

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Differential Resistance Of Northern And Florida Largemouth Bass To Cold Shock

Texas stocks of northern and Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides salmoides and M. s. floridanus) were compared for resistance to cold shock. The 45 advanced fmgerlings of each subspecies had nearly identical rearing histories and were acclimated to a common temperature near 21 C. Laboratory tests were conducted at constant temperatures ranging from 5.3 to 13.5 C. Over all tests, more than twice as many Florida bass as northern bass died during the 7 days ofobservation.

Charles E. Cichra, W. H. Neil, R. L. Noble

Pages 19-24

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Growth Comparison Of Two Subspecies Of Largemouth Bass In Tennessee Ponds

A study was conducted to determine if any growth rate differences occurred between two subspecies oflargemouth bass during the first 6 months ofgrowth. Two ponds near Lenoir City, Tennessee, were partitioned into equal halves by a nylon fish barrier. Northern strain fingerlings (Micropterus salmoides salmoides) were stocked in one side of each pond and Florida bass (M. s.jloridanus) in the other sides. Micropterus salmoides salmoides showed a significantly faster rate of growth (1.0% level) than M. s. jloridanus.

Robert P. Smith, J. L. Wilson

Pages 25-30

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Comparison Of Growth, Survival, And Catchability Of Florida, Northern, And Hybrid Largemouth Bass In A New Oklahoma Reservoir

Florida largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus, northern largemouth bass, M. s. salmoides, and their F' hybrid were stocked in a new 420 ha reservoir, and their growth, relative survival and relative catchability were compared. The Florida and hybrid bass were found to achieve the best overall growth by the end of the study period. However, of the 3 strains, Florida bass appeared to have the greatest potential for growth. Hybrid bass suffered less relative mortality than Florida bass, which suffered less than northern bass.

Garland L. Wright, G. W. Wigtil

Pages 31-38

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Comparisons Of Water Analysis Kits

Hellige Water Testing Outfits and a La Motte TRL-05 Water Testing Kit were evaluated by comparison with standard analytical methods. The testing outfits and kit often gave values for variables which were 80-120 percent of values obtained by standard methods. However, for some variables, and especially for total ammonia nitrogen, the testing outfits and kit did not provide reliable data for all concentrations. Results of the present study and earlier studies are summarized in tabular form to provide an assessment of the reliability of seven water testing systems.

Claude E. Boyd

Pages 39-48

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Uses Of Hydrated Lime In Fish Ponds

Hydrated lime is not as suitable as agricultural limestone for increasing pH and total alkalinity in soft water ponds. However, small amounts of hydrated lime may be applied during dry summer months to increase alkalinity for several weeks in ponds that have such high water exchange rates during wetter months that conventional applications of agricultural limestone are ineffective. Hydrated lime is an effective sterilant for damp pond bottoms. It will also remove carbon dioxide from water. Hydrated lime is not an oxidizing agent, so it will not destroy organic matter in mud or water.

Dennis A. Hansell, C. E. Boyd

Pages 49-58

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Filtration Techniques For Small-Scale Aquaculture In A Closed System

Recirculating 2271-liter culture systems were designed and evaluated as potential fish production units. System components include a culture tank, sedimentation basin, and a biological filter. Three different biological filter types were compared: a commercially available plastic filter media, a rotating biodisc filter, and a submerged gravel filter. Each duplicated system was stocked with 5 cm fingerling channel catfish, lctalurus punctatus, which were fed daily. The experiment continued until maximum loading capacities were attained.

Steven D. Van Gorder, J. D. Fritch

Pages 59-66

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Effects Of Eutrophication On The Fish Communities Of Florida Lakes

From an analysis of the trophic status and fish populations of 22 Florida lakes, total fish biomass is low in oligotrophic lakes, increases to a maximum in mesotrophic-eutrophic lakes, and fluctuates around the maximum value in hypereutrophic lakes. Total fish density likewise is low in oligotrophic lakes and increases to a maximum in mesotrophic-eutrophic lakes; but unlike biomass, fish density declines as lakes become hypereutrophic and gizzard shad becomes the dominant species of fish.

Randy S. Kautz

Pages 67-80

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Observation On Aquarium Spawning Of Estrogen-Treated And Untreated Tilapia

Genotypic male Tilapia aurea, previously treated for sex reversal to a female state, and their sex-reversed female (F') parent were stocked into aquaria with untreated females at various ratios. The reproduction of the 2 types of females with normal males was compared. None of the treated fish spawned; most were later found to have ovotestes. The PI sex-reversed female spawned repeatedly after she was paired with a male in a larger tank, indicating that the presence of normal females under confined aquarium conditions may have a repressive effect upon estrogen sex-reversed females.

Frank H. Meriwether II, W. L. Shelton

Pages 81-87

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Cage Performance And Quality Comparisons Of Tilapia And Divergently Selected Channel Catfish

Six groups of cage-grown channel catfish (lctalurus punctata) and Tilapia aurea were compared for body weight, total length, condition factor, carcass characteristics, and sensory quality. Catfish used in this study were the first generation progeny of brood catfish selected for increased and decreased body weight and for body weight variability at 48-week post-spawning age. A random-bred control line and a group of pond-raised catfish were also included in the experiment.

K. Bondari

Pages 88-98

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Intensive Culture Of White Amur In Cages

From 3 May 1979 through 9 November 1979, cage culturing of fingerling white amur, Ctenapharyngodan ideUa was conducted utilizing alfalfa pellets, catfish pellets, alfalfa and bermuda grass hay or aquatic vegetation as feeds. Feed utilizations, feed conversion ratios and growth rates were analyzed. Feed conversion ratios ranged from 10: 1 to 30: 1. Fish fed the catfish pellets or hay yielded poor growth. Those fed the alfalfa pellets were larger and achieved the expected stocker size. Mortality was a problem throughout the study period.

Tommie G. Crawford, J.K. Beadles

Pages 99-107

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Use Of Duckweed In Diets Of Channel Catfish

Duckweed (Family Lemnaceae) was incorporated into 6 isocaloric diets which were fed for 10 weeks to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fingerlings in aquaria. Three diets contained surplus essential amino acids while utilizing duckweed at 0, 15, and 20 percent of the diet. Three other diets had the same levels of duckweed, but contained borderline levels of amino acids. No significant difference in mean weight gain per fish was found within each group of 3 diets.

H. R. Robinette, M. W. Brunson, E. J. Day

Pages 108-114

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The Aquaculture Industry Of Arkansas In 1979

A survey of previous Arkansas fish farmer certificate holders was conducted during 1978-79 through the use of renewal questionnaires, telephone conversations, and personal contacts. This survey was compared to similar surveys from preceding years. Approximately 65.3 percent of the 13,540 intensively farmed hectares in 1978-79 was devoted to the production of bait fish, while 28.1 percent was utilized in food fish production. Total area in bait fish production has remained virtually unchanged since 1975-76, but the value of the bait fish industry has increased by 7.0 percent.

Mike Freeze, S. Henderson

Pages 115-126

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Survey Of Current Practices And Problems In The Mississippi Catfish Industry

A survey designed to elucidate current farming practices and problems was sent to all known catfish farmers in Mississippi. Most farms are greater than 45.5 ha (100 acres) and stocking rate averaged approximately 7410 fish per ha (3000 per acre). Most farmers use tractor pulled feeders and feed floating feed. The vast majority of respondents sold their fish to processors. The majority of respondents would like to increase their catfish farm acreage. Slightly more respondents produced their own fingerlings than purchased them and most managed their own farm.

Roland E. Reagan, Jr.

Pages 127-130

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Food Of Adult Largemouth Bass In A Small Impoundment With Dense Aquatic Vegetation.

Stomachs of 240 adult largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) taken from a small impoundment with abundant aquatic vegetation, were evacuated and their contents examined. Thirty percent of the bass had empty stomachs. Crayfish, bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and young-of-year largemouth bass were the predominant food items. Electivity values (E) indicated negative selection for bluegill and positive selection for young bass. Dense, aquatic macrophytes are probably the major factor influencing the feeding behavior of these bass.

Gregory L. Summers

Pages 131-136

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Suitability Of Alewife As A Pelagic Forage Fish For Southeastern Reservoirs

Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) were evaluated as a pelagic forage fish for southeastern reservoirs based on results of trophic and population ecology studies conducted in Claytor Lake, Virginia. Positive attributes of the alewife forage based included: a) establishment of a prolific and self-sustaining population, b) high desirability and availability to pelagic predators, and c) a positive impact on growth of pelagic sportfish.

Christopher C. Kohler, J. J. Ney

Pages 137-150

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Estimating Rate Of Exploitation From Tag Returns And Fishing Effort

A method was developed for estimating rate of exploitation from the rate of decline in catch per unit effort of tagged fish. The method was used to estimate exploitation of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) at a 75-ha Chambers County Public Fishing Lake, Alabama. Fishing effort directed towards largemouth bass was estimated from an access creel survey employing nonuniform probability sampling.

R. B. Reed, W. D. Davies

Pages 151-157

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