R. R. Stickney

Winter Feeding of Channel Catfish in Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas

Fingerling channel catfish (lctalurus punctatus) fed a 25% crude protein practical feed grew as well as or better than fingerlings fed a 35% crude protein practical feed in both Mississippi and Arkansas ponds during 2 consecutive winters. Fingerlings in Texas grew better on the 35% protein feed, although poor survival may have affected the results. The 35% protein feed provided no growth advantage to adult fish in Mississippi. Both feeds had equivalent energy to essential amino acid ratios and both contained 12% fish meal. There were minimal differences in feed conversion ratios and...

Growth of Four Strains of Channel Catfish in Communal Ponds

Growth studies of channel catfish (Icatalurus punctatus) from 2 domestic and 2 wild strains were conducted in ponds. Growth rate, percent survival and size variability were evaluated. Domestic strains had higher growth rates than wild strains. There were no significant differences among strains for survival. Initial variations at stocking in length and weight among strains (as a function of time of spawning) were reduced during the growing season.

Effects Of Stocking Density On Two Tilapia Species Raised In An Intensive Culture System

Tilapia aurea and T. mossambica fry were stocked in a flowing system at varying stocking densities (5,10,20,30,40,50 and 60 fish/tank in 60 liters of water) in an intensive tank culture system. The fish were maintained for 1I5 days on commercial pelleted feed. In terms of length increase, weight gain, condition, total yield, and food conversion rates, T. aurea performed significantly better than T. mossambica at all stocking densities. The T. mossambica experienced much higher mortality and reduced growth due to an auto-immune reaction related to stocking density, which effectively limits...