Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (ISSN 2330-5142) presents papers that cover all aspects of the management and conservation of inland, estuarine, and marine fisheries and wildlife. It aims to provide a forum where fisheries and wildlife managers can find innovative solutions to the problems facing our natural resources in the 21st century. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that cover scientific studies, case studies, and review articles on a wide range of topics of interest and use to fish and wildlife managers, with an emphasis on the southeastern United States.


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1901 - 1925 of 4810 articles | 25 per page | page 77


Population dynamics of yellow perch, Perca fiavescens Mitchill, were examined during the initial 7 years of impoundment of West Point Lake (1975-1981). Preimpoundment lengths of yellow perch at successive ages for the 1972 to 1974 year classes were greater than lengths at successive ages for the 1976 to 1981 year classes. The 1975 year class was intermediate to those before and after impoundment. Yellow perch reached maturity in 2 years, and the number of young-of-theyear (YOY) was highly correlated (r = 0.99; P < 0.05) to the number of YOY 2 years earlier. There was no correlation of YOY numbers (r = 0.04; P > 0.05) and weak correlation of standing stock (r = 0.40; P < 0.05) to days of spring and summer flooding.

A 5-month series of biweekly metazoan zooplankton samples from vegetated and unvegetated littoral areas and their respective adjacent limnetic areas was collected from Lake Fayetteville, Arkansas. No significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in densities of Rotatoria and Cladocera were detected among any of the sample areas. However, densities of Copepoda in the vegetated littoral area were significantly less than those associated with the unvegetated littoral area. Predation by littoral-dwelling planktivorous fishes on copepods is suggested. This study further suggests that the trophic foundation of the fishery provided by euplanktonic zooplankton is not functionally inhibited by the presence of macrophytes in this system.

Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in Oklahoma lakes and rivers were sampled using gasoline-powered generators with variable voltage pulsators (VVP), magneto «telephone» generators, and micro-electronic «pacemaker» electrofishing devices. VVP gear produced the highest numbers of flathead observed surfacing (O/f) and collected (C/f) per electrofishing attempt. Telephones and pacemakers produced somewhat lower Olf and Clf values but length frequencies were similar to VVP samples. Pulse frequencies of 20 Hz appeared to be the most critical electrical output parameter influencing catch rates, with electrode configuration, site selection, and water temperature also being contributing factors. Assistance of a «chase» boat to aid picking up surfacing catfish is recommended for all gear.

The anode and cathode arrangements on an electrofishing boat using pulsed D.C. output were manipulated to increase the effective area of the electric field. Voltage gradient (volts/cm) measurements were taken at various distances and depths at 90 and 180 degrees in relation to the long axis of the electrofishing boat. The objective of the study was to improve the efficiency of the electrofisher in low conductivity waters. The maximum distance and depth of field increased an average of 71% and 72%, respectively, for the 2 sample sites when comparing the initial configuration (IS-cm anode droppers and a 30-cm side dropper array as the cathode) to the final configuration (30-cm anode droppers and the boat hull with paint removed as the cathode).

Two types of commercial wire catfish traps were fished in lakes Dora and Eustis between January and May 1984. Catches at shoreline and offshore fishing sites were evaluated for both trap types. Door throat traps harvested 4.1 catfish, 0.6 game fish, and 0.1 non-game fish per trap day. Open throat traps harvested 0.8 catfish, 0.6 game fish, and 0.2 non-game fish per day. Door throat traps were 5.7 times more efficient at harvesting catfish than open throat traps. Overall, shoreline fishing sites yielded more fish (catfish, game fish, and non-game fish) than offshore sites. Initial mortality was greatest among non-game species (97.8% for gizzard shad), followed by non-harvestable game fish, catfish, and harvestable game fish. Mortality was greatest in door traps and was correlated with density of fish in traps (r = 66).

Non-radioactive rare earth elements (REE) were evaluated as potential markers in scales of hatchery-reared juvenile striped bass Marone saxatilis over a 12week feeding study. Uptake and retention levels of europium (Eu) and terbium (Tb) detected by neutron activation analyses at below 1 p,g/g could be related directly to dietary concentrations of the 2 elements and duration of feeding. Decreased relative concentrations following post-feeding could be related to scale mass increases and the inherent problem with detection techniques which analyze for amounts per unit mass. We compared our 1981 study with more recent similar studies as well as studies using different applications and detection techniques for REE.

The 4 North American species of the genus Morone were evaluated using isoelectric focusing for determination of species specific protein phenotypes. Each species could be characterized by a pair of protein bands that had isoelectric points in the 3.0 to 5.0 pH range. These diagnostic protein bands were then used to successfully identify 3 congeneric hybrids. The technique of isoelectric focusing yields results that are accurate in determination of species within this genus and serves as a powerful complement to other electrophoretic techniques in analyses of Morone populations.

Estimates from aerial surveys (Nov-Feb 1983-87) of ducks, geese, and American coots (Fulica americana) wintering on catfish ponds in western Mississippi are presented. Estimates did not appear to be biased by the time of day clusters were surveyed, by changing observers, or by changing clusters surveyed between years. Estimates increased from an average of 54,000 birds in 1983-84, to 121,000 in 1985--86, but decreased to 105,000 in 1986-87. Numbers of birds generally peaked from late November through early December, but declined thereafter, followed by a second peak in late December to mid-January.

Characteristics and activities of hunters leasing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hunting rights in South Carolina and Mississippi during 1984 were assessed by mail survey. Of 520 questionnaires delivered, 66% were returned. Safety (81 %), fellowship (76%), and higher quality hunting (70%) were ranked as the most important reasons for leasing hunting rights by respondents in both states. The majority of hunters in both states felt that the right to post leased lands was very important, with about 50% indicating they would discontinue leasing if posting rights were taken away. Over 30% of the respondents in both states reported they would stop deer hunting if they could not lease hunting rights. In South Carolina, 41% of the hunters were primarily still hunters, and 59% hunted deer primarily with dogs; while in Mississippi 59% still hunted, and 41% hunted with dogs.

Regeneration of 10,000 ha of mixed forest to loblolly pine over 14 years resulted in extensive vegetative changes. One hundred forty-five herbaceous and 68 woody plant species were recorded from the study area. Forty-nine percent of herbaceous species encountered were forbs. Grasses were the most dominant plant group with 25.2% coverage at the initiation of the study. Mean percent coverage of all herbaceous plant groups increased through year 2, then gradually decreased. Plant coverage increased for all groups except woody vines following a controlled burn in year 11. Highest coverage of legumes (8.8%) occurred in year II following the controlled burn. Food availability (FA) was highest for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during years 2 and 3 of the study. Hunter effort and harvest for deer generally increased except for dog deer hunting. Physical condition of deer declined during the study.

Nest box use by gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) was studied in 2 isolated hardwood stands in the South Carolina Piedmont from December 1980 through December 1983. Over a 3-year period, an average of 94% of 100 boxes were used by squirrels. The number of squirrels occupying boxes increased (P < 0.001) over the 3-year period. Parturition dates and litter sizes were determined for 104 litters containing 283 squirrels. Two peaks of parturition occurred: 47% of the litters were born during January to March, and 46% were born during August to October. Differences in nest box use by squirrels between study areas, box use by other species, and effects of nest boxes on estimated squirrel densities are discussed.

Canopy cover of vegetation was sampled at bed sites of 30 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns in south Texas during August 1986. Visual obstruction by vegetation to I m height was sampled at the bed sites, within 25 m of the bed sites, and at random points within 2 pastures. Mean canopy cover at bed sites was greatest for grasses (50.2%) and forbs (15.9%). Cover of woody plants within 25 m was 19%. Mean visual obstruction at the bed sites was consistently greater than that within 25 m or at random points within the 2 pastures. Fawns selected bed sites with more screening cover than the surrounding area and often (50%) bedded under or next to a woody plant. Net productivity of deer in October in the 2 pastures sampled averaged 0.28 fawns/female, based on results from a helicopter flight.

Line transect, mark-recapture, and 200-m strips counted from a truck were compared as methods of estimating numbers of Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) on a 5,700-ha south Texas study area. Line transect produced the highest population estimate (N = 561, SE = 78), followed by 200-m truck strip (N = 312, SE = 53), and mark-recapture (N = 278, SE = 28). Compliance with underlying assumptions was assessed for each method. The line transect method was judged most promising for further evaluation.

Twenty-three white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were radio-tracked from February 1984 to February 1985 on adjacent south Texas areas subjected to short duration (SDG) and continuous (CG) cattle grazing. Deer that ranged between the 2 grazing treatments were termed border deer. There were no (P > 0.05) differences in home range size by grazing treatment or sex, but variability was high. Home ranges were similar for deer on the SDG vs. CG area in spite of a 62% greater stocking rate under short duration for 9 of 12 study months. During the last 3 months, stocking rate in the SDG area was 16% less than in CG.

Invertebrate density and biomass, northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) chick invertebrate selection, and vegetation stem density and biomass were studied in old field (OF), fertilized old field (FOF), and fertilized kobe lespedeza (FKL) (Lespedeza striata var. kobei) plots, in the summers of 1985 and 1986. Total invertebrate density and biomass were not different (P > 0.05) among treatments. Coleoptera (beetles) density and biomass were greatest (P < 0.05) in FKL plots in 1986. Coleoptera, Lepidoptera larvae, and Hemiptera were most preferred (P < 0.05) by 3-, 7-, 14-,21-, and 28-day-old bobwhite chicks. Kobe lespedeza plots contained a greater stem density (P < 0.05) of Fabaceae (legumes) than OF plots in 1985 and 1986 and FOF plots in 1986. In both years, FOF plots contained a greater (P < 0.05) plant biomass than FKL and OF plots. Kobe lespedeza strips and burning can be used for management of bobwhite nest and brood habitat.

Three female red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) were translocated and released separately into 2 colonies with resident bachelor males in April 1986. Two females paired with resident males at their release site. One pair fledged young in 1986, and both pairs fledged young in 1987. The translocation increased the local population from 1 to 3 pairs. Four nestling red-cockadeds were fostered in May 1987. All fostered young fledged. Flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) in all active colonies threatened introductions and nesting attempts. To reduce competition for cavities, flying squirrels were captured and removed from cavities and nest box traps installed on cavity trees in all active colonies. Results indicated that nest boxes have intercepted the majority of squirrels since August 1986, and thus may have reduced squirrel use of cavities.

Air and ground crews conducted a search for carcasses of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) following a 5-day, either-sex muzzleloader hunt. The search covered 48.4% of the refuge>s 5,047 ha. A total of 8 carcasses was found with muzzleloader wounds. Based on the area covered, an estimate of 16.5 unretrieved deer (23.9% of the 69 deer harvested) was calculated. Interviewed hunters reported 16 unretrieved deer or 23.2% of the total harvest. All 8 carcasses found were adult does. This differed from the harvest results in which only 32% were adult does.

The Southeastern Section, The Wildlife Society (TWS), chartered 19 July 1948 has completed 39 years of operation. Thirty chapters within the Section have been chartered. Committee and other Section activities are described in this report. Information for this report was gathered from committee reports, executive board and annual business meeting minutes, Southeastern Section, TWS Newsletters, previous historical reports and Proceedings of Annual Conferences, Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Five aerially estimated habitat variables and nest spacing patterns were used to develop predictive models for evaluating the status of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nests on 2 lakes in central Florida. Models developed from data on 146 and 54 nests on Orange Lake and Lake Woodruff, respectively, indicated that none of the habitat variables were useful in predicting nest success. Nests occurred in clumped distributions in some years, but were not clumped in the same areas from year to year. Until more reliable methods for evaluating nest status are available, management programs that utilize alligator eggs should target the most accessible nests.

Home range, habitat use, and daily movements of 11 adult alligator snapping turtles (Macroclemys temmincki) were studied with telemetry in Black Bayou Lake and Bayou Desiard, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, from 8 August 1984 to 6 November 1985. Six turtles were native to the study area, and 5 were introduced. No difference (P > 0.05) was found between the mean daily distances traveled by introduced turtles and those traveled by native turtles. Minimum home range sizes were not different (P > 0.05) between introduced and native turtles. Turtles in Black Bayou Lake used shallow, heavily vegetated waters, not in proportion to availability. Bayou Desiard turtles used deep channels in proportion to availability.

In a study of the distribution of the Cape Sable sparrow (Ammodramus maritima mirabilis) in East Everglades, data were collected describing vegetation and soil characteristics at points sampled for occurrence of the sparrow. Data were used to assess the utility of a habitat suitability model. Of 13 variables derived from the soil and vegetation data, none were correlated with numbers of sparrows at the sample points. A biologist>s independent valuation of habitat suitability, at a subset of the points, was correlated with presence or absence of sparrows, and histograms representing frequency of occurrence suggested relationships between several vegetation variables and presence or absence. Presence-or-absence data may be more valuable than density for appraising habitat suitability for species, such as the Cape Sable sparrow, that have a territorial breeding season, limited reproductive capacities, and specific habitat requirements.

Data for assessing trends in river otter (Lutra canadensis) distribution and abundance are difficult to collect because monitoring techniques are currently unavailable, prohibitively expensive, or are applicable only to small areas. Scent-station and field-sign techniques for gathering such information were evaluated in 52 counties and 6 physiographic regions of Georgia from 1983 through 1986. Indices derived from scent-station and field-sign surveys were correlated (P < 0.01). Scent-station surveys were discontinued in 1985 and 1986, and field-sign surveys were used exclusively in all but I region because field-sign surveys were less costly. Field-sign surveys are a rapid, economical means of determining river otter distribution, but high variability in field-sign or scent-station indices precludes their use as detectors of annual fluctuations in otter abundance.

Thirty-six ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) trapped in eastern Tennessee were released in western Tennessee during fall and winter 1985-86. Birds were monitored by radio telemetry and/or observation through spring 1986. Drumming surveys were conducted in the spring of 1986 and 1987. Thirteen drumming logs were located. Two activity centers were delineated in 1986, and 4 in 1987. Characteristics of drumming logs and surrounding habitat are comparable with those reported in the literature.

Nests and broods of American woodcock (Scolopax minor) were located during late winter and early spring in Alabama from 1976 through 1985 using trained pointing dogs. The number of hours of search effort required to locate a nest or brood decreased linearly with an increase in the number of days in January with mean temperatures ≥4.4°C. Generally, warmer Januarys resulted in increased nesting activity by American woodcock in Alabama.

Differential development of reproductive characteristics and sex organs among age classes of male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during the breeding season was studied in west-central South Carolina. Blood samples and reproductive organs were obtained from 292 hunter-harvested deer from 26 October through 21 December 1985. Peak serum testosterone concentrations of ≥3.5-yearold deer occurred during the first week of the study, whereas peak concentrations in younger deer occurred approximately 4 weeks later. Testosterone concentrations were higher (P < 0.03) in older age classes. Data support the hypothesis that younger males reach peak rutting condition later than prime-aged (≥3.5 years old) individuals. Correlations (P < 0.01) among testosterone concentration, testicle length, and scrotal circumference were observed in yearling and 2.5-year-old bucks, but not in the ≥3.5 year olds.