R. J. Muncy

Bioenergetic Values of Shads and Sunfishes as Prey for Largemouth Bass

We conducted laboratory and field investigations to detennine the relative value of shads (Dorosoma spp.) and sunfishes (Lepomis spp.) as prey for largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). In the laboratory, we examined the energy content of gizzard shad (D. cepedianum) and bluegill (L. macrochirus) and digestibility by largemouth bass. Although the ratios of proximate components in the 2 prey species differed, total energy contents as calories per gram were equal. The rates at which gizzard shad and bluegill were digested were similar at feeding rates <1.5%-2.0% of largemouth bass body...

Walleye Spawning, Movements, and Habitat Usage in Tombigbee River Drainages

A total of 13 radio-tagged walleyes (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) were monitored from spring through summer in 1986 and 1987 in Luxapalila Creek near Columbus, Mississippi. Movements indicated pre-spawning aggregation in the lower Luxapalila Creek during January and February, upstream spawning March through early April, and widely varying downstream post-spawning movements. Seasonally high water discharges in March were cues for upstream movements to pool areas below spawning sites at shallow <1.5 m) gravel riffles. High discharges restricted spawning and possibly reproductive success...

Spawning Sequence of Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Gizzard Shad

The effect of body size on the temporal spawning sequence of female largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) was examined in 2 Mississippi reservoirs by monitoring gonadal development through portions of the spawning seasons. Largemouth bass began spawning in late March when water temperature was near 15° C, gizzard shad in about mid-April at temperatures nearing 17° C, and bluegill in late April when temperatures reached 21° C; however, spawning seasons of the 3 species overlapped. Ovarian activity of largemouth bass...

Effects of Angling on Largemouth Bass Population Structure in a Previously Unfished Mississippi Lake

Fishery data were collected from February to August 1984 for Bluff Lake, Noxubee County, Mississippi, to evaluate the effect of refuge areas and size and creel limits in reducing possible overharvest of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) from previously unfished waters. During the study, 1,779 bass were marked and 150 were recaptured. The pre-fishing bass population was estimated at 7,657. Fishing mortality during opening weekend was 10%,525 parties who fished a total of 3,292 hours caught 361 bass (255 kg). Over the 6-month period, anglers fished a total of 48,796 hours and...