Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (ISSN 2330-5142) presents papers that cover all aspects of the management and conservation of inland, estuarine, and marine fisheries and wildlife. It aims to provide a forum where fisheries and wildlife managers can find innovative solutions to the problems facing our natural resources in the 21st century. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that cover scientific studies, case studies, and review articles on a wide range of topics of interest and use to fish and wildlife managers, with an emphasis on the southeastern United States.


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4801 - 4810 of 4810 articles | 25 per page | page 193


The TVA Regional Heritage Program uses an innovative data management system developed by The Nature Conservancy to aid in natural resources management. The system is particularly useful in early phases of environmental assessment and natural resources planning for identifying potential conflicts with sensitive features. Three crossreferenced files are used to organize the data: a map file, a manual file, and a computer file. Elements catalogued include threatened 'and endangered species, state and federal management areas, champion trees, and significant geological features. The Heritage Program is a tool that provides the framework for centralizing known locality data concerning sensitive natural resources. It is a rich potential source of information for fish and wildlife resources managers throughout the 7 state, 201 county TVA region.

A questionnaire was administered to 312 public school teachers and seniors in education who were taking courses in West Virginia colleges. Attitude toward hunting was listed as strong disapproval (16 percent), mild disapproval (21 percent), undecided (17 percent), mild approval (33 percent), and strong approval (12 percent). Attitudes and knowledge were often related to basic attitude toward hunting, and those who favored hunting usually answered questions correctly in greater numbers than those who disapproved. Chi-square tests of independence were applied to the results. The results indicate there is a lack of knowledge about basic wildlife concepts on the part of the teachers.

The growth of bluegill is compared from four Alabama farm ponds where two ponds were stocked with adult bass and bluegill and two were stocked with adult bass and fingerling bluegill. Results from fishing records show that the stocking rate of adult bass plus fingerling bluegill produces larger than average bluegill the first year after stocking.

Knowledge levels and levels of activities involving animals were measured in 1315 eighth graders in Broward County, Florida. These variables were statistically compared with consumptive and non-consumptive resource orientations. Non-consumptive orientations toward wildlife characterized a majority of the population and were significantly associated with level of knowledge. Relationships between knowledge and consumptive orientations were mixed. Frequency of participation in animal related activities was significantly associated with knowledge and both consumptive and nonconsumptive resource orientations. Attitudes towards hunting and knowledge are also examined. The results indicate that while knowledge and the frequency of animal activities are significantly associated with resource orientations, the strength of the associations are low indicating that other factors are operational.

The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 was enacted into law on 3 August 1977. Successful implementation and enforcement of the environmental performance standards of the Act will reduce or eliminate many of the previously recognized environmental perturbations of surface mining, and will result in numerous positive benefits for fish and wildlife. However, fish and wildlife will continue to be adversely affected by surface mining due to losses of specific habitat types and reclamations which result in postmining changes in habitat type and interspersion of habitats. The proposed program for reclaiming abandoned mine lands has great potential for benefiting fish and wildlife, but the actual benefit or loss will depend upon the conditions of each mine site and the site-specific reclamation plan authorized.