Proceedings of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference

Prior to 2013, SEAFWA published the Proceedings of annual conferences. In 2014, SEAFWA began publishing the peer-reviewed Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

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1551 - 1600 of 4522 articles | 50 per page | page 32


Article Year

Trap and Release Apiary-raiding Black Bears

From December 1980 to June 1988,66 nuisance black bears (Ursus americanus) were captured and released at beeyards to create an aversion to beeyards. In most instances, bear depredations at a beeyard stopped after a bear was trapped, handled and released at the site. Of 63 bears released with tags, 14% were recaptured 1-3 times after causing additional apiary damage. These repeat offenders were mostly adult males. Two bears that continued to raid apiaries after being traped 3-4 times in a year were relocated when it became apparent that these bears were not deterred by trapping.

John B. Wooding

Pages 333-336

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An Evaluation of a Wood Duck Nesting Program in Eastern Tennessee

Wood duck (Aix sponsa) nest boxes (N = 190) were placed along the lower Holston River and the lower French Broad River in eastern Tennessee and were maintained and checked from 1976 to 1979. Wood ducks used 1.3% of the boxes inspected during the 4-year study. Night brood counts ranged from 0.42 to 0.68 broods/km of river and did not indicate an increase in brood production. Nest box use and brood production in this study were significantly less than reported for a study on the upper Holston River.

Wayne H. Schacher, W. G. Minser

Pages 337-342

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Evaluation of a Sampling Design Used to Estimate Waterfowl Abundance on Catfish Ponds

A stratified random survey design proposed to increase the efficiency of estimating numbers of waterfowl wintering on Mississippi catfish ponds was evaluated. The optimally allocated sample generally produced estimates with coefficients of variation <50%, similar to those obtained from a completely random design used previously. Coefficients of variation were not associated with survey date. Stratified random sampling reduced the number of catfish pond clusters surveyed and flight time, compared to completely random sampling.

James A. Dubovsky, D. E. Steffen, M. W. Christopher, R. M. Kaminski, D. M. Richardson

Pages 343-348

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Reproduction, Dispersal, and Survivorship of Ruffed Grouse Reintroduced into Arkansas

Reproductive success of 94 ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) reintroduced into northern Arkansas during September and October 1984 was apparently low. Four broods were found during 2 reproductive seasons after release. Dispersal of all located male ruffed grouse was limited to a 1.6 km radius of the initial release site. Brood sightings in an area 2.4 to 2.8 km northeast of the initial release site were direct evidence of female dispersal. Survivorship of male grouse up to the first courtship drumming period was at least 25%.

Michael R. Widner, D. A. James, K. G. Smith, M. E. Cartwright

Pages 349-357

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Sampling Forest Birds: Strip Transects Versus Time-area Circular Plots

The strip transect and fixed-area circular plot methods of sampling birds were compared in 4 even-age pine-hardwood stands (seedling, sapling, pole and sawtimber tree-size classes) during winter and spring of 2 years. During spring the circular plot method resulted in more species and more individuals than the transect method. Most differences were significant (P > 0.05). Winter samples showed the same pattern, however most differences were not significant (P >0.05).

R. Montague Whiting, Jr., S. C. Baggett

Pages 358-367

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Shot Ingestion by Dabbling Ducks Wintering in Coastal South Carolina

We determined the incidence of lead, steel, and total shot ingestion in 4 species of dabbling ducks on a major wintering area of the Atlantic Flyway. Gizzards (N = 1,771) were collected from hunter-harvested mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) , northern pintails (A. acuta), blue-winged teal (A. discors), and American greenwinged teal (A. crecca) during the 1985-86,1986-87, and 1987-88 waterfowl hunting seasons on the Santee River Estuary (SRE), South Carolina.

Brian T. Gray, D. H. Gordon, T. Strange

Pages 368-375

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Mortality Estimates of Muskrat Litters in a Louisiana Coastal Marsh

Fetal counts of muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) yielded an average of 2.97 ± 1.06 fetuses per litter (range: 1 to 5). Placental scars averaged 7.97 ± 4.34 per breeding female (range: 1 to 22) and indicated production of 2.7 litters per breeding female per year. Corpora lutea counts disclosed that litter sizes ranged from I to 7, averaged 3.54 ± 1. 15, and differed significantly from fetal counts. Litter size as determined by lodge surveys (i = 2.18 ± 0.25) was less than that determined by fetal counts and represented post-partum mortality.

Quin J. Kinler, R. H. Chabreck, N. W. Kinler, G. Linscombe

Pages 376-381

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Hunter Response to Road Closures for Walk-in Turkey Hunting

The quality of spring hunting for eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) gobblers may decline with increased road access. A questionnaire mailed to turkey hunters assessed response to road closures for walk-in hunting on a Mississippi wildlife management area during spring 1986. Because hunters felt road closures improved hunting quality and reduced interference from other hunters, they strongly supported (92%) walk-in turkey hunting. Hunters who disapproved of road closures were significantly older than those who approved.

David E. Steffen, G. A. Hurst, W. E. Smith, W. J. Hamrick

Pages 382-387

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Evaluation of a Tundra Swan Season in North Carolina

In 1984 North Carolina opened the first tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus) hunting season in modern times in the Atlantic Flyway. During this first season, 1,000 permits were issued. Subsequently, 6,000 permits/year were allowed and issued. A 4-year study using aerial, ground, and hunter surveys was established in 1984 to monitor this hunting season. Estimated total annual kill beginning with the 1984-85 season was 334, 2,783, 2,579, and 3,007 for each year of the study, respectively. The harvest averaged slightly over 5% of the state's and about 3% of the Flyway's midwinter population.

Dennis Luszcz, C. Betsill

Pages 388-395

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Evaluation of Sardine Bait-stations for Indexing Black Bears in Southeast Georgia

A 1985-86 project in southeastern Georgia was conducted in an effort to study the effectiveness of several methods of applying a sardine bait-station technique for indexing black bears (Ursus americanus). A total of 120 stations were set out in 20 lOO-ha experimental replicates during each of 3 months (May, July, and November) with random sampling of equal numbers of stations according to method of hanging baits (hanging or nailing) as well as equal numbers of stations being checked after 4, 8, and 12 days.

Wesley A. Abler

Pages 396-403

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Forest Industry Hunt-lease Programs in the Southern United States

Selected characteristics of forest industry hunt-lease programs were determined for II southern states. Mail surveys were obtained from 77 of 109 (71 %) delivered questionnaires that were completed and returned. Respondents reported owning a total of more than 9.4 million ha within the study area in 1984. Most (83%) charged hunters for access to corporate lands. A majority of respondents indicated that non-monetary benefits were gained from hunt-lease programs. Annual lease fees ranged from $2.47 to $26.88/ha and varied by state, timber type and location.

Frederick A. Busch, D. C. Guynn, Jr.

Pages 404-410

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Movements and Habitat Use by Coyotes and Bobcats on a Ranch in Southern Texas

Movements of coyotes (Canis latrans) (N = 6) and bobcats (Felis rufus) (N = 4) on the La Copita Research Area in southern Texas were determined by radio-telemetry from April 1985 through September 1986. Mean home range sizes of resident individuals were 3.04 km2 for coyotes and 2.88 km2 for bobcats. These predators frequently traveled outside their home ranges and exhibited extensive interspecific home range overlap. Frequent travel outside the home range seemed related to subsequent dispersal.

Lisa C. Bradley, D. B. Fagre

Pages 411-430

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Environmental Criteria for Nest Site Selection by Mississippi Sandhill Cranes

Seven environmental parameters were estimated at each nest site and 2 or 3 (per nest) systematically selected control (non-nest) sites during pre-nesting (MarchApril) and post-nesting (May-July) 1983 and 1984 on the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge. Discriminant analysis revealed percentage of vegetation at the nest site was the only variable that differed between nests and control sites during pre-nesting and post-nesting periods for both years.

Emlyn B. Smith, W. P. Smith

Pages 431-442

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Home Range of the Coyote in western Tennessee

Home range of the coyote (Canis latrans) was studied in western Tennessee during 1985 to 1987. Using standard radio-telemetry techniques, annual and seasonal home ranges were determined. Annual home ranges averaged 31 km2 for males and 60 km2 for females. Home range size varied across seasons for both sexes. Females had larger ranges than males during all periods except the breeding season. Long-distance travel of 70 km and 55 km was recorded for 2 individuals.

Jeffrey G. Babb, M. L. Kennedy

Pages 443-447

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Herpetofaunal Species Richness and Habitat Associations in an Eastern Kentucky Forest

Herpetofaunal species richness and species-habitat associations were estimated by pitfall and funnel-trap sampling in a conventional clearcut, a bestmanagement- practices (BMP) clearcut, forest wildlife clearings, and a mature forest. Species richness was lowest in the mature forest. Slimy salamanders (Plethodon glutinosus) were associated with steep slopes and dense shrub cover on clearcuts, redspotted newts (Notophthalamus viridescens, red eft form) with forest canopy, and American toads (Bufo americanus) with dense herbaceous cover in forest clearings.

Richard C. Pais, S. A. Bonney, W. C. McComb

Pages 448-455

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Profile and Employment Trends of Fish and Wildlife Technicians from Several Southeastern States

Names and addresses of currently employed technicians were obtained from fish and wildlife agencies of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Surveys (N = 355) were mailed to these individuals; 185 (52%) were returned. This information was used to develop a profile of "the technician" employed by the surveyed states.

Richard S. Halbrook

Pages 456-463

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Accuracy of Track Counts to Estimate White-tailed Deer Abundance

We assessed the accuracy of population estimates of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) determined from track counts by comparing them with aerial mark-recapture estimates on 2 southern Texas areas. Track counts produced very conservative estimates in relation to mark-recapture methods and failed to detect a population increase on 1 area. However, they reflected a large difference in density between the 2 areas.

Charles A. DeYoung, J. R. Heffelfinger, S. P. Coughlin, S. L. Beasom

Pages 464-469

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Home Ranges of Wild Turkey Gobblers in Central Mississippi

Fifty-two eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) gobblers were monitored by telemetry on Tallahala Wildlife Management Area, Bienville National Forest, Mississippi, from January 1986 to September 1987. Annual home range (HR) for 6 adults and 3 juveniles averaged 1,680 ha. Annual HR's averaged 1,409 ha when the very large HR (3,850 ha) of I juvenile was not included. Based on 79 seasonal HR's, average HR in spring 1986 was 812 ha, summer 688 ha, fall 447 ha, and winter 506 ha; and average HR for spring 1987 was 1,441 ha and for summer, 775 ha.

Randall L. Kelley, G. A. Hurst, D. E. Steffen

Pages 470-475

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Waterbird Use of Brackish Wetlands Managed for Waterfowl

Waterbird use of managed and unmanaged brackish wetlands in coastal South Carolina was determined by 1,544 counts during a 19-month study. Significantly (P < 0.05) more individual birds and species used the managed sites in all seasons except summer. An unmanaged tidal impoundment was least used in all seasons. Multiple regression analysis indicated that bird use was inversely correlated to water level, particularly during spring. Shorebirds accounted for 53% of the use among managed sites follwed by waterfowl (27%), waders (14%) and other waterbirds (6%).

Marc B. Epstein, R. L. Joyner

Pages 476-490

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Oak Decline Alters Habitat in Southern Upland Forests

Oak decline is a complex disease involving interactions between initiating environmental or biological stresses and subsequent attack by normally secondary pests. It causes crown dieback, reduced radial growth and tree mortality, which in tum, influences wildlife habitat. In upland hardwood stands, oaks (Quercus spp.) are affected most while other species infrequently show crown symptoms or mortality. Recent surveys of declining stands in the southeastern United States show that 80% of the dominant and codominant trees are affected.

D. A. Starkey, J. M. Dabney, Steven W. Oak

Pages 491-501

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Landowner Cooperatives for Income and Recreation from Wildlife and Forest Resources

A joint project was conducted between the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service and Tennessee Valley Authority to establish 3 landowner demonstration cooperatives in northeast Mississippi. The objective of the project was to illustrate to nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) landowners the benefits of joining their lands with their neighbors to manage and market the wildlife and forest resources. A total of 62 landowners with combined land of 3,698 ha participated.

Greg K. Yarrow, E. J. Jones, J. F. Williamson

Pages 502-507

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Two Tree Climbing Techniques for Wildlife Tasks

We modified top-rope and lead-climbing techniques to develop safe, efficient methods for climbing trees. Two individuals, the climber and belayer, were required for each technique. An ll-mm belay rope, tree pruners saddle, tree climbing gaffs, adjustable lineman's pole strap, and 2.54-cm tubular webbing were required. Top-rope climbing was favored over lead-climbing, and was preceived as substantially safer. Bark characteristics of tree species affected climbing difficulty. Both climbing techniques have application in forestry, botany, and wildlife research.

Martin S. Lowney, E. P. Hill, D. E. Steffen

Pages 508-512

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Taxonomic Assessment of Coyotes and Domestic Dogs in the Southeastern United States

To assess the taxonomic status of coyotes (Canis tatrans) and domestic dogs (C. jamiliaris) in the southeastern United States, 380 skulls of unknown canids were compared to known skulls of these taxa. Twenty-four cranial characters were employed in a discriminant function analysis to separate statistically unknown canids as to coyote or dog. Hybridization between taxa was minimal. Our results indicate that the predominant wild canid occurring in the southeastern United States is coyote.

Charles Lydeard, M. L. Kennedy, E. P. Hill

Pages 513-519

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Diurnal Activity Budgets of Nonbreeding Waterfowl and Coots Using Catfish Ponds in Mississippi

We quantified diurnal time activity budgets of 4 waterfowl species and American coots (Fulica americana), using catfish ponds in the Delta Region of Mississippi from November to March 1983-84 and 1984-85. Within each species, activity budgets were similar (P > 0.05) between seasons (1983-84 vs. 1984-85). Primary activities of lesser scaup (Aythya ajfinis) included foraging (34.6%) and resting (27.7%). Shovelers, (Anas clypeata) mostly foraged (69.0%) and courtship and interaction activities increased in late winter.

Mark W. Christopher, E. P. Hill

Pages 520-527

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Fish Shocking-"Skoal Box" Style

In the spring of 1979 an individual from Fort Worth, Texas, circulated a flier throughout Arkansas which advertised an electronic catfish unit that could catch more catfish than hoop nets, gill nets, trammel nets, fish traps, trot lines, snag lines, or most any other fishing devices. He further stated that as with anything that catches a lot of fish, the units are illegal in Texas, and are sold with the intention that they are used only on private lakes or stock tanks.

Don McSwain

Pages 528-532

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Implications of Illegal Off-road Vehicle Activity on the Cherokee Wildlife Management Area, Unicoi County, Tennessee

A difficult land management problem facing wildlife agencies today is the use of and demand for areas to utilize off-road vehicles (ORVs). Problems arising from conflicts between ORV users and other recreationists on the Cherokee National ForesUWildlife Management Area are discussed. The impacts of ORV use on soil, water, wildlife, and fisheries resources are described. Difficulties faced by law enforcement officials relative to ORV use and ways to solve those problems are presented.

Robert L. Wyatt

Pages 533-539

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Getting the Word Out-Disseminating Information Utilizing the Print Media

A basic outline is provided to aid and encourage wildlife officers with disseminating timely local area information utilizing the print media.

W. F. Hailey

Pages 540-545

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Use of Fatty Acid Profiles to Distinguish Cultured from Wild Fish: A Possible Law Enforcement Tool

Fatty acid profiles of cultured hybrid striped bass and red drum were compared to their diets. Correlation coefficients were 0.94 and 0.98, respectively. Of the fatty acids examined, linoleic acid (18:2n6) levels were particularly high in cultured fish due to various dietary sources and extremely low in wild fishes. Such differences may be suitable to distinguish cultured from wild fish and may become another biochemical tool for use by law enforcement agencies involved in the protection and conservation of natural resources.

Michael L. Jahncke, T. I. J. Smith, G. T. Seaborn

Pages 546-553

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Aircraft in Wildlife Law Enforcement

Wildlife law enforcement operations cover vast areas of a state. Aerial surveillance, using small aircraft, is an excellent aid to the ground-based wildlife enforcement officer in locating potential violations. Such aircraft have a deterrent effect on violators and can also be used by the Agency's other divisions.

Jerry R. Rich, T. E. Shankle

Pages 554-557

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The Georgia Deer Jacker

"Deer jacking" is an illegal form of deer hunting. The poacher temporarily blinds a deer with a spotlight thereby incapacitating it and then shoots the animal. This research analyzes over 200 offenders involved in about 100 episodes of deer jacking from 1977 to 1987 in southwest Georgia. Data were extracted from field citations written by officers of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Deer jacking is primarily a white young male phenomenon, often carried out in groups. Information on offender profiles, co-offending, and dispositions constitutes the bulk of the paper.

Gary S. Green, H. J. Phillips, S. K. Black

Pages 558-565

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Preliminary Analysis of Officer Produclivily

In 1986 the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Law Enforcement Section (GDNRlLE) began developing a comprehensive 5 year plan. A major thrust of that plan was to infuse scientific research procedures into agency operations. One critical component of the plan was the critical review of select agency data collection methods and analysis related to officer productivity. This study found that officer characteristics and activity and productivity measures can serve to support agency management policy making. Suggestions for future data collection and analysis are proposed.

Gary S. Green, Hugh J. Phillips, J. Brown, S. K. Black

Pages 566-571

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Motivation as a Self-management Technique for Wildlife Conservation Agencies

Too few supervisors are present in conservation agencies to adequately oversee and motivate conservation officers. In order to properly manage these officers, self-management techniques need to be implemented. To initiate selfmanagement, the supervisor must learn what motivates an employee; give the employee some responsibility; show him the importance of his job; provide proper equipment, training, recognition, and pay raises when applicable; and allow the employee to participate in the decision making process.

James L. Cummins, Jr., J.Herring

Pages 572-574

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Comparing Hunting Accidents in States with Mandatory and Voluntary Programs

This paper qualitatively analyzes the variables affecting accidents to determine the impacts of mandatory hunter education. The similarities and differences in the 2 study states, Alabama and Arkansas, were determined as were the factors influencing accidents in these states. It was found that problem areas must be pinpointed and hunter education programs be modified to address these areas.

Robert D. Gasaway, R. E. Huggins

Pages 575-583

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Response to Evaluation of the Hunter Education Program in Virginia

Over the course of 3 years, the hunter education program in Virginia was evaluated to determine its performance, strengths, and weaknesses and to develop recommendations for improvement. Students gained about 16% in knowledge of hunting and hunting safety from the 6-hour course. Observations of dove hunters with and without hunter education training suggested that the hunter education program had no significant impact on hunter behavior.

Peter T. Bromley, H. Foster, E. L. Hampton, J. D. Wellman

Pages 585-589

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Development of a Backyard Wildlife Habitat Model

Most landowners have an inadequate knowledge about how to improve habitat for wildlife on their properties. A Backyard Wildlife Habitat Model was developed to teach landowners how to create a natural home for wildlife in their backyards.

John T. DeFazio, Jr.

Pages 590-592

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Keynote Address-the 41 st Annual Southeastern

Frank Dunkle

Pages 1-4

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Challenges for Improving Natural Resource Management, Especially Fish and Wildlife

Laurence R. Jahn

Pages 5-10

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Presidential Address

Charles D. Kelley

Pages 11-13

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Movements and Impingements of Juvenile Spot

Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) comprised 35.9% of the 92,823 trawl-caught fish at 8 stations in the vicinity of a power plant on the Cape Fear River estuary, North Carolina. Monthly length frequency determinations of trawl-caught spot showed the major size mode progressed from about 4 to 10 cm from April 1975 to December 1975. The highest catches per unit of effort during the 2-year study were in the intake canal of the power plant. Of 982 spot tagged in the intake canal, 161 were returned and 9.4% of these were impinged on intake screens.

Melvin T. Huish, J. Geagan

Pages 15-23

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Age and Growth of Spanish Mackerel in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Management Implications

A total of 230 otoliths was used for age and growth analysis of Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Male fish in the sample ranged from ages 0 to 6, whercas females were 0 to 4 years old. Females exhibited faster growth than did males. Von Bertalanffy growth equations were: males L = 552( I - e -0'''''+ 16h,), and females L = 604(1 - e 04'" ")751). Growth equations from this study showed that both sexes grew at significantly slower rates than did Spanish mackerel in south Florida waters.

Thomas E. Helser, S. P. Malvestuto

Pages 24-33

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Evaluation of the Trawl Shrimp Cage

A trawl shrimp cage I (TSC), which was a modification of the cod end of a conventional wingnet, was evaluated for its ability to reduce the bycatch associated with shrimping. The webbing of the cod end was stretched around a box-like aluminum frame. This prevented the webbing in the cod end from collapsing under the weight of water pressure and cod end contents, thus releasing undersized shrimp and finfish directly into water. The TSC was evaluated between 6 June 1985 and 13 August 1985 in the estuarine marshes of eastern Louisiana.

Richard A. Kasprzak

Pages 34-40

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Evaluation of Phase I and Phase II Hybrid Striped Bass in the Escambia River, Florida

Relative survival rates for phase II (150- to 250-mm total length) striped bass hybrids (Morone saxatilis x M. chrysops) were 23, 200 and 137 times greater than phase 1 (30- to 45-mm total length) fish for the 1983, 1984 and 1985 year classes, respectively. Mean condition factors of phase I fish collected in the field were significantly higher than phase II fish for all 3 year classes. Mean total lengths of phase I fish were significantly greater than phase II fish for the 1983 year class and for the 1984 fish collected in the spring of 1986.

David M. Yeager

Pages 41-47

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Effect of Striped Bass Introduction in Lake Wateree, South Carolina

The establishment of a striped bass (Morone saxatilis) fishery in Lake Wateree, South Carolina, did not detrimentally influence largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) growth, abundance, or condition. There was no evidence striped bass introduction altered the clupeid, primarily Dorosoma spp., or the Lepomis ,Ipp. prey base. An important fishery was added, however, to the reservoir. The authors suggest care in applying results to other less fertile, prey deficient reservoirs.

Val S. Nash, W. E. Hayes, R.L. Self, J. P. Kirk

Pages 48-54

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Evaluation of Marone Hybrids in a Small, Shallow, Warmwater Impoundment

Fingerling Morone hybrids were stocked into Storm Creek Lake, Phillips County, Arkansas, to control a nuisance gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) population and diversify the sport fishery. The lake, a 169.7-ha shallow, warmwater impoundment, was stocked with 31,000 hybrids during a 4-year period (1982, 1984, 1985, and 1987). Growth during their first 3 years was rapid (age 1-325 mm; age 11-428 mm; age III-591 mm). Number of age IV fish (602 mm) declined over time.

Danny J. Ebert, K. E. Shirley, J. J. Farwick

Pages 55-62

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Induction of Polyploidy with Hydrostatic Pressure in Striped Bass, White Bass, and Their Hybrids

Eggs of striped bass and white bass were subjected to hydrostatic pressures of 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, and 8,000 PSI for a duration of 5 minutes (2.5 minutes for 8,000 PSI) at 29, 45, or 55 minutes after fertilization. The most effective pressures for producing tetraploidy in white bass were 5,000 and 6,000 PSI and for striped bass 7,000 and 8,000 PSI. Late in the spawning season, only 45- and 55-minute treatments were effective for producing tetraploidy. The relative hatch of eggs subjected to hydrostatic pressure for tetraploid induction was 55% of controls.

Thomas A. Curtis, F. W. Sessions, D. Bury, M. Rezk, R. A. Dunham

Pages 63-69

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Catch and Release Mortality of Striped Bass Caught with Artificial Lures and Baits

Mortality of striped bass <20 inches total length (50.8 cm) captured by hook and line was investigated. Both artificial lures and baits were used with single and treble hooks. A control group of fish was captured by electrofishing and handled in a similar fashion. Fish (N = 683) were caught from a freshwater river and a small reservoir during 4 different months of the year (October, February, June, and August). After capture, test fish were transported to holding ponds and held 2 weeks to evaluate total (pre- and post-release) mortality.

Reginal M. Harrell

Pages 70-75

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Differences in Growth Rate between Sexes of Florida Largemouth Bass

Differences in growth rates between sexes were compared for Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides floridanus) from 5 north-central Florida lakes using lengths back-calculated for the most recently formed annulus on otoliths. Growing rates of Ages 1-6 fish differed between sexes in all lakes. Males were larger than females before Age 1 in 3 of the 5 populations, but by Age 2 females were larger than males in all lakes. Female fish were larger than male fish of the same age when the females attained total lengths of from 243 to 292 mm.

Harold L. Schramm, Jr., D. C. Smith

Pages 76-84

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Stomach Contents of Flathead Catfish in the Flint River, Georgia

Stomach contents of flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) from the Flint River, Georgia, were examined to gain information on basic life history of this introduced species and to assess potential impacts on traditional fisheries. Acrylic tubes and a flexible claw retriever were effective for observing and collecting stomach contents which were then analyzed by frequency of occurrence, percent composition by number, and percent composition by weight.

Stephen P. Quinn

Pages 85-92

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Food Habits of Flathead Catfish in the Cape Fear River, North Carolina

Food habits of flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in the Cape Fear River were determined through analysis of 184 stomachs collected during the spring and summer of 1986. Fish were collected with a 5-bar, hand-cranked telephone generator (magneto). The objective was to determine if frequency of occurrence and percent by numbers of individual food items in the diet of flathead catfish changed significantly between 1979 and 1986.

Keith W. Ashley, D. Buff

Pages 93-99

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Food Selection of Alligator Gar and Longnose Gar in a Texas Reservoir

Food selection of 209 alligator gar (Lepisosteus spatula) and 165 longnose gar (L. osseus) in Sam Rayburn Reservoir, Texas, was examined. Gar were collected with gill nets and jug lines during September and October 1986. Alligator gar were selective, primarily for bottom dwelling fishes, but not to as great an extent as longnose gar. Longnose gar selected small prey, primarily threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense). Both species will apparently shift to different prey depending on the species available.

Edgar P. Seidensticker

Pages 100-104

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