Names and addresses of currently employed technicians were obtained from fish and wildlife agencies of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Surveys (N = 355) were mailed to these individuals; 185 (52%) were returned. This information was used to develop a profile of "the technician" employed by the surveyed states. Technicians were ≥36 years old (36%), had at least 1 educational degree beyond high school (57%), had previous agricultural experience prior to employment (68%), desired additional equipment operation and maintenance experience prior to employment (24%), desired additional biological or wildlife courses prior to employment (28%), had technician as their career goal (68%), earned ≥$18,OOO/year (47%), and were satisfied with their jobs (50%). Forty-nine percent of the technicians hired from 1978 to 1985 had a 4-year or higher degree, while 18% of those hired prior to 1978 had a 4-year or higher degree, possibly indicating a trend towards hiring technicians with a higher level of education.