Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (ISSN 2330-5142) presents papers that cover all aspects of the management and conservation of inland, estuarine, and marine fisheries and wildlife. It aims to provide a forum where fisheries and wildlife managers can find innovative solutions to the problems facing our natural resources in the 21st century. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that cover scientific studies, case studies, and review articles on a wide range of topics of interest and use to fish and wildlife managers, with an emphasis on the southeastern United States.


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4751 - 4775 of 4810 articles | 25 per page | page 191


The influence of environmental factors on the timing of the rut and the length of the gestation period in the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is poorly understood. Since 1965, we have been recording population data for a confined herd of whitetails in Virginia. Although the peak of the fawn drop appears to be rather consistent from year to year, some variation has occurred during our 8 years of study. This variation led us to examine some factors which might bear on the time of fawning. Environmental factors as influences on deer reproduction have been studied by several wildlife researchers. McDowell (1970) reported on conception dates of whitetails and concluded that light duration has a powerful influence on breeding periodicity. Cheatum and Morton (1946) found regional differences in the onset of mating between northern and southern New Yark deer.

Between February 1975 and June 1977 a total of 5,302 observations of Attwater's prairie chicken (Tympanuchus wpido attwateri) activities was made. These observations included 3,698 sightings at booming grounds and 1,604 other sightings (nests, broods, roost forms and individual birds). These data were analyzed according to vegetation type usage. The birds extensively utilized four of eight major vegetation types plus artificially' maintained areas. Of the major vegetation types, the clumped midgrass received the greatest use (88%). Their preference for a vegetation type was apparently determined by the amount of visual obstruction and height of vegetation. Juxtaposition of utilized vegetation types and soil moisture also influenced chicken use of areas.

From 1965-1970, toe and shank lengths of 509 woodcock (Philohela minor) banded in Canaan Valley, WV were measured to determine if these characteristics could be used as age and sex determinants. Test results from analysis of variance, Duncan's multiple range test and stepwise discriminant analysis determined toe and shank lengths can be indicators of sex. However, results from stepwise discriminant analysis suggest that toe and shank lengths should be used in conjunction with bill lengths.

Age, sex, and date of collection were found to affect fat levels of mandibular cavity tissue (MCT). Percent MCT fat increased from the fawn age class up to and including the 3!J;, age class. Percent MCT fat remained relatively stable in all age classes above 3!J;, years. Females were found to have a percent MCT fat that was higher than the percent MCT fat of males. Fat in the tissue of the mandibular cavity increased during the months of October, November, and early December, and decreased in late December and early January. Mean MCT fat levels of whitetail deer on four wildlife management areas (WMA) were found to be closely grouped and high. The deer herd on the Natchez Trace WMA had a MCT fat level that was lower than the MCT fat levels of the other areas.

The relationship between understory vegetation and actual and potential redcockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) cavities was measured in the North Carolina Sandhills. Understory measurements were made in a 0.01 ha circular quadrat around each of 60 red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees and 60 randomly selected potential cavity trees. The height, basal area, species, and quarter number of each understory stem were recorded. Red-cockaded woodpeckers on our areas preferred excavating cavities in trees around which there were significantly fewer woody stems and a lower understory basal area than around random trees. Trees utilized by woodpeckers also had a lower occurrence of tall hardwood stems than random trees. Turkey and blackjack oaks (Quercus laevis and Q. marilandica), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) were common understory species around red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees.

European wild hogs (Sus scrota) were trapped, marked for identification and released. Recoveries by trapping and hunter kills provided data on survival, mortality, and longevity. Average annual survival was 49 percent and did not vary by age. Hunting mortality does vary with tagging age, season of birth and time of tagging. However, hunting mortality replaces natural mortality and does not increase total mortality. Most non-hunting mortality occurs between winter and spring. A mean life expectancy of 1.5 years, slightly higher for females; a population turnover period and ecological longevity of 7+ years for females and 5 years for males; and a maximum life span of 10 years were estimated.

When birds were censused in pine and pine-hardwood stands of different heights to determine the effects of stand structure on winter bird populations, the shortest stands generally had more birds than taller stands. The pine sapling stand was lower than all other stands in bird population characteristics. Pine-hardwood stands were generally similar to pine stands in number of species, but higher in species diversity, and lower in bird density than pine stands of comparable height.

A subjective technique of evaluating habitat potential based on forage availability for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Mississippi was critically appraised. The technique provides a useful index to forage abundance and requires about 20% of the time required by analogous vegetative sampling techniques.

Winter mortality of cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus jloridanus) was studied within 2 beagle field trial enclosures. Population estimates based on live-trapping indicated a September to February mortality of 45 and 75% on the 2 areas. Predation by hawks and owls was the most important identifiable mortality factor on both enclosures. Flush censuses indicated that imported rabbits suffered a higher rate of mortality than native rabbits. Recommendations for the management of field trial grounds are given.

The cloacal method of sexing imature alligators (Alligator mississipiensis) was tested on 72 individuals; 24 in the 6 month, 28 in the 18 month and 20 in the 30 month old class. This method ofsex determination was not feasible for the 6-12 month class, whereas the 18 month and over age groups could be sexed reliably.

An isolated area of approximately 2,025 ha of live oak (Quercus virginiana) savannah was experimentally burned during a 2 year study on the Texas Coastal Plain. Two fall burns (October 1974 and 1975) and a spring burn (March 1975) were conducted, one on each of 3 separate areas of approximately equal size. Increased vegetative pro· duction on fall-burned areas was primarily due to a positive response of forbs. Grass production was increased only on the spring-burned area druing the second year postburn. Live oak rootcrown resprouts, following topkill, on all burned areas resulted in significant (P < 0.05~ increases in the density of stems. However, live oak topgrowth production was significantly (P < 0.05) increased only on the spring-burned area. Mast production was lower on live oak regrowth in the fall·burned areas than on small, unburned live oak bruw..

A telemetric study on the effects of dog harassment on released white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) was conducted at the Buffalo Springs Research Center in eastern Tennessee from May 1973 to July 1977. Thirteen female deer, 2 fawns and II adults, were released. Five deer died either directly or indirectly because of dog harassment. Three experimentally controlled dog chases involving a single chase dog averaged 2.5 km in 21 minutes. Two chases, involving both "control" and free-running dogs, averaged 5.6 km in 42 minutes. One chase involving only free-running dogs covered 1.9 km in 25 minutes before the dogs caught the deer. With over 50% of the released deer lost directly or indirectly due to dogs, dog harassment could/have a significant effect on the success or failure of deer restoration in similar areas.

A management investigation was initiated on Savannah National Wildlife Refuge in 1965 to determine the feasibility of producing pen-reared wood ducks, imprinted to artificial nesting structures, for use in starting new nesting colonies. To date 780 young woodies, imprinted to nest in nest boxes, have been produced, transferred, and released on six national wildlife refuges in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. Nesting in artificial structures had not previously occurred on three of these refuges. Transplanted birds nested in boxes on four of the release sites the first nesting season after release, including three refuges with no history of nest box use. The second season after release over 50 nesting attempts occurred on one refuge that had no previous use of nest boxes by wood ducks.

On November 24, 1973. pound-size channel catfish, which had previously been fed intensively for 6 months, were weighed and measured and placed back into nine 1/10-acre earthen ponds at the rate of 2,000 per acre. The fish were managed through the winter until the following March 4 on one of three feeding regimes; no feeding; feeding 1% of fish weight on alternate days; and feeding 1% offish weight only on "warm" days or when water temperature at a 3-foot depth was above 54 F. Fish not fed lost 99V of their weight during the I00-day over-winter period. those fed on alternate days received feed on 51 days and gained 23%. and those fed on the "'warm" days received feed on 52 days and gained 190/0. Condition factors increased for both groups of fed fish but decreased for the nonfed fish. Length increased slightly for all groups. Although the nonfed fish lost weight.

Use of lethal dosages of tribromoethanol-treated grain in wild turkey trapping operations, followed by prompt use of two stimulants (pure caffeine in sodium benzoate and amphetamine sulfate) and other treatment procedures improved capture success and minimized mortality. In the last decade L. E. Williams and colleagues (1966, 1967, 1970) in Florida reported increasingly improved success in capturing wild turkeys by means of oral drugs. In recent years other states-among them Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia-have used the technique. North Carolina turkeys are often sowary at trap sites that drugs offer the most effective means of capturing them, particularly in winter and early spring. In North Carolina, where wild-trapped stock is difficult and expensive to obtain, 27 turkeys were captured by means of tribomoethanol in 1971 and 37 in 1972, following generally the procedures described by Williams et al. (1970).

During 1975·1976, 9 wood duck (Aix sponsa) hens with broods were tracked via radio telemetry on beaver (Castor canadensis) pond habitats in the piedmont region of South Carolina. The mobility of all broods was greatest during the first week of rearing, and decreased thereafter. The size of the area utilized was also greatest during week I and with the exception of 2 broods, decreased in subsequent weeks. Cumulative home range size stabilized for 3 broods during the third and fourth week, whereas for others, it increased throughout the rearing period. Total home range size varied greatly among broods, but broods consistently utilized a major portion of the potential available habitats. Wood duck broods utilired all habitat types within the respective beaver ponds, but were seldom observed in the non-vegetated, open water sections. The use of small beaver ponds (0.03-0.50 ha) by wood duck broods was significantly less than the use of large beaver ponds (1.51-3.80 ha).

The effects of several site preparation treatments on winter deer food yield and rabbit utilization were studied in one to four year old loblolly pine plantations in Kemper County, Mississippi. Winter deer food availability ranged from 5-20 times greater on clearcut and site prepared areas than on the uncut forest. The bedded treatment produced the highest amount of winter food. However, rabbit utilization was much lower on the bedded areas than on the sheared and chopped treatments.

The diving times, diving distances, foraging rates, intraspecific and interspecific interactions between canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria), ring-necked ducks (A. co-Uaris) , lesser scaup (A. affinis) and redheads (A. americana) were studied on coastal winter habitats in South Carolina. Diving times, distances and foraging rates varied between habitats of different water depths and between species, but with few exceptions not between sexes. Canvasbacks were the dominant birds and actively defended foraging sites against other birds, particularly ringnecks. During late winter when food resources were presumed limited, male canvasbacks excluded females from preferred foraging sites. Temporal and/or spatial segregation of habitats between sexes of the other species was not demonstrated. Exclusion of individuals from optimal winter foraging areas may have significant implications affecting population dynamics of waterfowl.

Between January 1976 and June 1978, environmental factors were analyzed to evaluate the fate of 480 dummy nests and 38 Attwater's prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido allwaten) nests. Fifty-eight percent of both dummy nests and Attwater's prairie chicken nests were destroyed by predators. Analysis of these data indicated that nest success was affected by density of nests, proximity of artificial environmental factors to nesting areas, and time of year. Vegetation type appeared to have no influence on predation rates. Predation on nests of ground-nesting upland game birds does not appear to be haphazard or random.

Food habits of river otters (Lutra canadensis) in Alabama and Georgia were studied using 315 digestive tracts from otters taken by trappers during the 1973-74 through 1976-77 trapping seasons. Additionally, 12 scats were collected during and immediately following the 1975-76 trapping season. Fish occurred in 83.2% of the digestive tracts and in 91.7% of the scats. Fishes of the following families were found in the frequency percentages indicated; Centrarchidae, 53.6%; Castomidae, 12.1%; Ictaluridae, 10.5%; Amiidae and Aphredoderidae, 8.2%; Cyprinidae, 6.3%; Esocidae, 5.1 %; Clupeidae, 1.6%; Cyprinodontidae, Poeciliidae, and Percidae, 0.6%; Hiodontidae, 0.3%; and unclassified fish 3.2%. Crayfish were recovered from 62.5% of the digestive tracts and from 7 of 12 (58.3%) scats. FTogs and a salamander together made up 5.1% of the food remains.

Biological data were collected over a 3 year period (1974-1977) from an old channelized segment (55 years), an unchannelized segment and a newly channelized segment (4 years) of the Luxapalila River in Mississippi and Alabama. This study revealed that furbeal'er habitat in the channelized segments has not recovered to the level exhibited in the unchannelized segment. Indices of furbearer abundance were obtained by night lighting and sign counting. Beaver (Castor canadensis), mink (Mustela vison), muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), and raccoon (Procyon lotor) were more numerous in the unchannelized segment than in either the old or newly channelized segments.

The 1975 Christmas Bird Count was divided into 10 blocks, each comprising 100 observation units, encompassing the continental United States and Alaska. A random sample of 10 observation units was drawn from each block, assuring an even distribution over the continental United States and Alaska. Nine major metropolitan areas which were not drawn in the random sample were also studied. Each unit in the sample was examined for each of the years 1956, 1966, 1973, 1974 and 1975. The occurrence and number of each was recorded for all sample units for all years. Results indicated that a total of 30 exotic bird species were observed in Christmas Bird Counts. The greatest variety of species was found around the major cities studied especially Miami, FL. and Los Angeles, CA.

The Tennessee Game and Fish Commission has successfully utilized radiology for the following purposes: (I) determining the effects of hunting season closure on geese (Gore and Barstow 1969), (2) predicting annual productivity of deer (Lewis 1962, Whitehead 1966), and (3) determining lead shot ingestion in doves (Lewis and Legler 1968). Because of this experience'3nd the results of others, we feel that radiology has significant potential for use in wildlife research. This paper briefly presents our use of x-ray equipment and film processing. A detailed paper can be obtained from the senior author.

The public has increasingly encouraged our state wildlife departments to become involved with management of non-game and endangered species. Some Departments have indicated that they do not have the funds for such work since they are being financed mainly by the hunter and fisherman. However, many state wildlife departments have hired one or more non-game biologists or have given these added responsibilities to their game and fish personnel. Consequently, a few individuals are often called upon to collect and disseminate relatively accurate information on a large number of speicies in a comparatively short time. This otherwise impossible task can be accomplished if the biologist will utilize the public. The positive factors for utilizing the public in simple but extensive research, especially when the species is rare and difficult to encounter, far outweigh the negative factors. Organization and planning are the keys to success.

Damage to forest plantations, fruit orchards, and nurseries by mice of the genus Microtus has caused serious economic losses, particularly in northern and eastern North America (Cayford and Haig 1961; Jokela and Lorenz 1959; Libby and Abrams 1966; Littlefield, Shoomaker, and Cook 1946; Sartz 1970). In southeastern United States damage to plantations of pines is increasing in importance. Two species of Microtus, the prairie vole (Microtus ochror;aster) and the pine vole (M. pinetorum), are widely distributed and capable of inflicting serious damage. This paper reports on the results of a field test designed to study the usefulness of two rodenticides for controlling prairie voles in Virginia pine plantations in Tennessee.