Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (ISSN 2330-5142) presents papers that cover all aspects of the management and conservation of inland, estuarine, and marine fisheries and wildlife. It aims to provide a forum where fisheries and wildlife managers can find innovative solutions to the problems facing our natural resources in the 21st century. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that cover scientific studies, case studies, and review articles on a wide range of topics of interest and use to fish and wildlife managers, with an emphasis on the southeastern United States.


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1301 - 1325 of 4810 articles | 25 per page | page 53


Tag retention and tag-induced mortality were evaluated for 2 sizes of Hallprint® dart tags injected in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Mean tag retention rates of 98% for larger (81 mm) PDB dart tags and 78% for smaller (69 mm) PDT dart tags were observed during a 15-month study in Lake Blanchester, Florida. Significantly higher tag loss (P ≤ 0.05) of PDT tags was attributed to a more flexible and shorter (12-mm) barb (anchor) compared to the larger and longer (18-mm) barb on the PDB tag. Estimated tag-induced mortality was 13% for bass 260-299 mm using smaller tags, and 18% for bass ≥300 mm TL using larger tags, over a 3-month period in a hatchery pond. However, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in mortality rates between control and tagged fish for 3 size groups. The larger tags with 98% tag retention and no significant tag-induced mortality are recommended for long-term tagging studies in bass ≥300 mm.

We tested the performance of low- (40 MHz) and high-frequency (150 MHz) radio and ultrasonic (75 kHz) telemetry transmitters in Robert S. Kerr Reservoir, Oklahoma, a polyhaline body of water. We measured the maximum detection distance of all 3 transmitters at various depths and conductivity levels in lacustrine habitats and the ultrasonic transmitter in riverine habitats. The ultrasonic transmitter had the greatest detection distance (600-1,200 m) in all lacustrine habitats and in clear, deep riverine habitats. Ultrasonic transmitter detection distance decreased by 94% at a shallow riverine site with high velocity and suspended sediment levels compared with a moderately deep, clear riverine site. Maximum detection distance for the low-frequency radio transmitter was 370 m at a depth of 1 m. It was nearly undetectable below 1 m at conductivity levels above 345 jxS/cm.

Temperature-sensing ultrasonic transmitters were implanted in adult smallmouth bass {Micropterus dolomieu) in thermally stratified Melton Hill Reservoir, Tennessee, to monitor daily summer movement. Based on energetic expectations and preferred temperatures, smallmouth bass were expected to inhabit areas with optimal temperatures except when food availability required them to move to areas of less-desired temperatures to feed. No significant changes in temperature or depth were observed during daily tracking sessions. Instead of demonstrating diel offshore/inshore movements, the fish remained in relatively warm (>28 C) water even though cooler water was available. While in warm shallow habitats, tagged fish were often associated with submerged or overhead cover. Smallmouth bass activity peaked in the afternoon and was minimal at night.

Catchability and spawning behavior of largemouth bass {Micropterus salmoides) with surgically implanted dummy transmitters and bass without transmitters were compared during 1992-1994 in a 0.20-ha pond. There was no significant difference between catchability of transmitter and control bass (P < 0.05) and spawning behavior of male transmitter and control bass (P < 0.05). Female transmitter and control bass were observed being courted by male bass on nests.

Partners in Flight, the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Program, has generated interest among land managers to integrate songbird management into traditional management objectives. Confusion often exists, however, about which bird species or species assemblage to manage on any particular management unit. I describe 1 method for land managers to determine breeding bird priorities for any particular management unit and provide, as an example, nesting songbird priorities and management recommendations for the Cheatham Wildlife Management Area in Tennessee. Abundance and frequency of occurrence of several bird species was analyzed at different geographic scales to show the management area's importance to the species.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Division is proposing to establish regional “wetland ecosystem” teams to coordinate wetland related activities on state-owned and private lands in Texas. The Central Coast Wetland Ecosystems Project (CCWEP) was the first of these teams to form. Project staff are responsible for daily management, maintenance, and research activities on state-owned areas, as well as providing management assistance to private landowners and coordinating surveys for American alligators (Alligator mississipiensis) and colonial waterbirds on the central Texas coast. CCWEP staff will employ traditional and innovative land management practices, primarily for waterfowl. Ecosystem monitoring, however, will be aimed primarily at documenting the response of vegetation, neotropical birds, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish-togame management practices.

From 1980-1981, we tested the hypothesis that removal of potential nest predators would increase the reproductive success of the endangered Attwater's prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri). Striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis, N = 74), opossums (Didelphis virginiana, N = 83), and raccoons (Procyon lotor, N = 9) were removed from a 522-ha predator removal area (PR) during February- June 1980 and 1981. Predator indices were lower (P < 0.002) and prairie-chicken nest success was higher (82% vs. 33%, P < 0.019) in the PR than a 620-ha control area (CO). Breeding season hen survival was <9% on both areas and survival curves were different between PR and CO (P < 0.015). Small sample size caused by declining populations and treatment effects that were compounded with site effects make our results equivocal.

Information on winter movements and denning of Florida black bears (Ursus americanus floridanus) is important to develop habitat management programs. I studied denning characteristics and winter movements of 13 radiocollared bears (9M, 4F) in the Apalachicola National Forest and surrounding timberlands of northwest Florida from 1990-91 to 1992-93. All monitored bears denned during the study. Pregnant females entered dens earlier (P < 0.02), emerged later (P < 0.02), and denned longer (142 ± 5 [SE] vs. 52 ± 7 days) than other bears. Denning periods for pregnant females were similar to those reported from other Southeastern black bear populations. Males denned for short periods (¯x = 51 ± 8 days, N = 8). One male bear, which denned during winter 1991-92, remained active during winter 1992-93, using a range of 37 km2. All males, even when they denned, ranged widely during winter (¯x = 18 ± 7 km2).

A geographic information system was developed for lower Melton Hill Reservoir and the adjoining Clinch River in eastern Tennessee to demonstrate the feasibility of using this tool to identify potential bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) breeding habitat in the southeastern United States. Input variables in the model included land use, forest type, condition and size, distance from water, distance from human development,and acreage of aquatic foraging area. The primary limitation on habitat suitability in the Clinch River-Melton Hill Reservoir area was human development (residential and industrial) along shoreline areas. Eagle management strategies developed from the model included locating future development away from high-quality habitats, allowing forest stands near water to mature, conducting timber stand improvement (thinning) to foster growth and development in pines and hardwoods, and using eagle introductions to foster development of a breeding population.

Winter resources may limit bird populations. In this study we document the winter bird community and assess habitat relationships in a single large loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation (~500 ha) from shortly after establishment into the middle-age closed canopy stage at 16 years. The winter bird community changed as the plantation grass/forb/shrub community gave way to low shrubs, and again as low shrubs were dominated and mostly supplanted by the rapidly growing pine trees. The highest bird abundance (436/km2) and the most species (22) occurred the second year after planting (the first year of the study). After the second year post establishment, the number of species declined and bird abundance declined consistently until about year 10 when pine canopies dominated. From age 10 to 16 years of the plantation, number of bird species was variable and bird abundances were low and variable. Bird species diversity was variable throughout the study.

Small mammals were trapped annually in Canaan Valley, West Virginia, from 1978 to 1993. Canaan Valley is located at 1,000 m elevation in the Appalachian Mountains and contains an unusual interspersion of ecological communities. Snap-trapping was conducted for 4 consecutive nights each September in each of 11 habitat types: alder, aspen, conifer, grassland, grassland/ecotone, hayfield, young hardwoods, mature hardwoods, muskeg, shrub/ecotone, and spiraea. The most abundant species captured were deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus, 2.0 captures/ 100 trapnights), short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda, 1.6), meadow vole {Microtuspennsylvanicus, 1.1), masked shrew (Sorex cinereus, 0.8), and red-backed vole (Clethrionomys gapperi, 0.3). Mean annual trap success for all sites combined varied significantly within years, ranging from 1.7 to 10.6 captures/100 trapnights in the 16-year period.

Evaluating the contribution of wading bird populations to avian biodiversity and wildlife managers' ability to maintain viable wading bird populations requires accurate information on population levels and trends. Wading bird population surveys often use multiple observers in single or over multiple years, but inter-observer variability is seldom evaluated. We conducted a study to test for significant inter-observer variability among experienced biologists and to determine the impact of variability on biologists' ability to accurately survey colonies and to monitor statewide trends in colonial wading bird populations. Interobserver variability was not significantly diiferent, but statistical power was low. Based on the results of this study, we believe that an analysis of inter-observer variability should be a component of any wading bird survey that includes multiple observers in single or over multiple years.

Herbicides are frequently used in pine stands to control competing hardwoods. We investigated the longevity of 4 species of hardwood snags (mockernut hickory [Carya tomentosa], sweetgum [Liquidambar styraciflua], southern red oak [Quercus falcata], and post oak [Q. stellata]) after treatment with 2,4-D herbicide. In addition, we observed evidence of foraging activity and cavity excavation by cavity-nesting birds. Hickory and sweetgum were the least durable; by the fifth year only 16% of sweetgum and 47% of mockernut hickory snags remained standing, and only 11% of the original snags of each species was standing the sixth year post treatment. The oaks were somewhat more durable with 44% of southern red oak snags and 65% of post oak snags remaining by the sixth year. However, by the eighth year only one-fourth of these original snags remained. Bird foraging activity began the first year for sweetgum, the second year for post oak and the third year for southern red oak and hickory.

Minimum population estimates of Florida grasshopper sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus) made using listening stations systematically located throughout a 2,374-ha portion of the Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in central Florida ranged from 219-234 individuals over a 3-year period. The study area was divided into 3 units and 1 was burned each year. Grasshopper sparrow population density was related to the 3 burn regimes: <1 year post-burn, 1-2 years post-burn, and >2 years post-burn. Grasshopper sparrows did not utilize each burn regime in proportion to its occurrence (X2 = 21.86, df = 2, P < 0.001). Grasshopper sparrows preferred areas <1 year post-burn, avoided areas >2 years post-burn, and used the intermediate burn regime in proportion to its occurrence (P < 0.01). Grasshopper sparrows did not colonize areas of apparently suitable habitat that were spatially separated from the population by areas of unsuitable habitat.

Public interest in viewing emergences of bats has increased in recent years, and possible disruption by visitors of emergence time of colonies has become a concern for wildlife biologists. Consequently, the objectives of this study were to assess the influence of visitors on time of emergence and flight behavior of a colony of Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana). In summer 1992, we studied dynamics of the bat colony at the Old Tunnel Wildlife Management Area near Fredericksburg, Kendall County, Texas. Data were not recorded until the start of a continuous flight of bats emerged from the tunnel. We compared times of emergence of the colony with sunset and flight behavior relative to the presence or absence of visitors. A regression comparing the number of visitors and time of emergence with sunset indicated a 3% variation in time of emergence was attributed to number of visitors.

Dredge islands are an important but relatively unstudied habitat for seabirds on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. We characterized nest sites of Forster's terns (Sterna forsteri), least terns (S. antillarum), gull-billed terns (S. nilotica) and black skimmers (Rynchops niger) on dredge islands in the Atchafalaya Delta Wildlife Management Area in Louisiana. With the exception of the least tern, seabird use of the islands has increased over the last 5 years. Generally, dredge islands were used only during the first nesting season following their creation. Forster's terns nested on clumps of dead water hycacinth (Eichornia crassipes); nest sites of the other 3 species were relatively devoid of dead vegetation. Both least and gull-billed terns nested on substrates that contained shell while avoiding nearby patches of sand.

From 1982 through 1994, 1,086 brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) pre-fledglings were banded with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service aluminum bands in a spoil island nesting colony in St. Andrews Bay, Bay County, Florida. The colony was newly established the year banding was initiated and at the time constituted the only nesting colony on the Florida panhandle Gulf coast, with the nearest colonies being 250 km to the west in Louisiana and 165 km to the east near Cedar Key, Levy County, Florida. Excluding band recoveries from birds < 1 year old (N = 24) from the immediate vicinity of the colony, 49 bands were recovered. Banded birds had dispersed both westerly/southwesterly (N = 20, longest distance: the Republic of Panama) and easterly/southeasterly (N = 27, longest distance: Cuba), with no apparent preferential pattern either way. Two of the returns were from >1-year-old birds from the vicinity of the colony, perhaps indicating some degree of site fidelity.

A field study was undertaken to: 1) determine if a large number of freeranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) could be marked with tetracycline hydrochloride (THC), and, if successful, 2) assess use of supplemental feed by deer. Shelled corn treated with THC (approximately 300 mg/0.45 kg) was distributed (18 Jul-3 Aug 1992) on a commercial hunting club in South Carolina that supplementally fed white-tailed deer. Mandibles collected from 784 hunterharvested deer (15 Aug 1992-1 Jan 1993) were evaluated for THC marks. Of those, 67.8% from the club where treated corn was deposited and 29.4% taken on surrounding properties were marked. Marked deer were found throughout the area studied (i.e., up to 5.43 km from nearest treatment site). The recovery of marked deer on and off the hunting club suggested that deer "exchange" occurred.

Use of fertilized Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) by whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) was examined by a marked-plant and twig procedure to assess the potential for utilizing naturally-occurring foods that have been enhanced by fertilization in deer management. We conducted the study on the Milan Army Ammunition Plant in Gibson and Carroll counties, Tennessee. Twenty transects were established in August 1992 and were examined ca. every 3 weeks until March 1994. Percent frequency of browse by deer was different (P = 0.0001) among all seasons (n = 7). Browse percentages were lowest during the summer, increased during fall, and peaked during winter for all transects. Ten transects were randomly selected and fertilized in spring 1993 to determine if fertilization increased deer use of honeysuckle. Browsing of fertilized and non-fertilized transects within each season was not different (P ≤ 0.05) except for winter 1994 (X2 = 7.330, P = 0.0068).

In many areas, hunting season coincides with rut, and movements associated with breeding activities may confound interpretation of hunting-related deer movements. This study provided an opportunity to evaluate the respective influences of separate rut and hunting seasons on home range sizes of adult male deer. Home ranges of 54 radio-collared male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were compared between Big Cypress National Preserve (BCNP; hunted) and Everglades National Park (ENP; non-hunted), Florida, during 1989-1991. Annual home range size of males was larger (P = 0.001) in BCNP (7.0 km2) than in ENP (2.9 km2) and exceeded those reported for other non-migratory populations. Home ranges of adult males in BCNP were larger (P < 0.05) than those in ENP for 2 6- month hydrological and 4 3-month biological seasons.

In the southeastern United States, supplemental plantings often are used to increase forage availability and quality. We evaluated production and utilization by white-tailed deer {Odocoileus virginianus) of 3 warm-season and 8 cool-season agricultural forages in Madison, Morgan, and Putnam counties, Georgia. Eight 0.1-ha food plots were planted with cool-season forages at 3 locations in October 1991. Three warm-season forage species were planted at 3 locations in May 1992. Forage production and utilization were measured every 29 ± 3 days. Aeschynomene (Aeschynomene americana) and alyceclover (Alysicarpus vaginalis) were productive and highly utilized warm-season forages. Among cool-season forages, wheat had the highest monthly production from January through April. Ladino clover {Trifolium repens) had the highest monthly production and utilization from May through December. All forages except small burnet (Sanguisorba minor) maintained crude protein levels exceeding 16%.

A better understanding of population dynamics leads to more informed wildlife management decisions. Investigations of mortality rates and their causes for maturing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are lacking in the Coastal Plain of the Southeast. We captured 36 (18 male and 18 female) fawns with rocket nets and radio-collared them on Westvaco's North Whitener tract in Jasper County, South Carolina, from October through December 1992. We radio-tracked these deer during the 1993 calendar year to investigate mortality rates in a coastal area under a quality deer management program. Calendar year mortality rates, estimated with the Kaplan-Meier product limit method, were 0.389 (SE = 0.115) for females and 0.410 (SE = 0.119) for males. Sex-specific survival functions did not differ within the year (P = 0.906) or within either age-period analyzed (fawn period, 1 Jan-31 May, P = 0.300; yearling period, 1 Jun-31 Dec, P = 0.229).

Population estimates of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) based on marking individuals and resighting them at later times require assumptions about observability that are rarely verified. Yet the accuracy of estimates depends on meeting the assumptions. At Remington Farms on the eastern shore of Maryland, we tested accuracy of mark-resight population estimates from the heterogeneity model (Mh) of the CAPTURE program against a known abundance of a marked subpopulation of the herd. We also tested the assumption of heterogeneous capture probabilities. We conducted evening road counts to resight animals marked with collars and used radio-telemetry observations to estimate sightability of individual animals. Estimates of observability were biased high, and concomitant population estimates were biased low by between 25% to 35%. Estimates determined from radio telemetry of the observabilities of different individuals ranged from 0.04 to 0.45, an 11-fold difference.

We conducted this study to determine efficiency of archery equipment in conjunction with tracking dogs for harvesting white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Medway Plantation in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina. Twentytwo experienced archers hunting from elevated stands over corn feeders shot 61 deer. A tracking dog was used whenever deer did not fall within sight of the hunter (41 of the 61 deer shot). Immediately following each hunt, the hunter completed a questionnaire to determine equipment used, shot conditions, and deer reaction. We recovered 60 of the 61 deer shot (98%) within 24 hours of being hit. Comparison of shot situation variables (draw weight, deer activity, alertness, reaction, position, number of deer present, arrow penetration, and number of broadhead blades) with shot placement and distance traveled after the shot revealed few significant associations.

Wildlife researchers often assume capturing and marking do not influence marked animals' behavior, but this assumption is seldom tested. Therefore, we investigated effects of capture on reproductive success of eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) in east-central Mississippi. Hens were captured by cannon net, wing-tagged, radio-marked, and released between January and March 1990-1993. Marked and unmarked hens were observed at July and August bait sites 1990-1993; those observed with ≥ 1 poult were classified as reproductively successful. Hens captured during January-March, prior to the reproductive period, were less likely to be reproductively successful than either unmarked hens (P = 0.009) or hens captured in previous years (P = 0.048). We concluded that some factor in the capture process affects turkey reproduction in year of capture, but that this effect diminishes over time.