Robert P. Ford

An Overview of Bird Conservation Planning and Integration

Since the late 1980s, range-wide bird conservation plans have been developed for a wide range of species and habitats. These plans provide a basis for setting population and habitat objectives, as well as identify assumptions that require further research and monitoring. Generally, bird conservation plans share four common components: a vision to sustain a high relative abundance, the development of specific population estimates and objectives, the development of habitat objectives within ecoregions, known as Bird Conservation Regions, and the acknowledgement of partnerships for...

Determination of Management Unit Priorities for Nesting Songbird Objectives

Partners in Flight, the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Program, has generated interest among land managers to integrate songbird management into traditional management objectives. Confusion often exists, however, about which bird species or species assemblage to manage on any particular management unit. I describe 1 method for land managers to determine breeding bird priorities for any particular management unit and provide, as an example, nesting songbird priorities and management recommendations for the Cheatham Wildlife Management Area in Tennessee. Abundance and frequency of...