Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (ISSN 2330-5142) presents papers that cover all aspects of the management and conservation of inland, estuarine, and marine fisheries and wildlife. It aims to provide a forum where fisheries and wildlife managers can find innovative solutions to the problems facing our natural resources in the 21st century. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that cover scientific studies, case studies, and review articles on a wide range of topics of interest and use to fish and wildlife managers, with an emphasis on the southeastern United States.


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526 - 550 of 4809 articles | 25 per page | page 22


Shoreline-set single-cod trap nets are the standard gear used by Texas Parks and Wildlife to assess crappie (Pomoxis spp) populations. In some reservoirs, standardized trap net catch is too low to provide the desired information. In 2006, we compared offshore-set dual-cod trap nets to shoreline-set single-cod and offshore-set single-cod trap nets in ten Texas reservoirs. Catch rates of shoreline-set single-cod trap nets (13.4 fish per net night; F/NN) were similar to each end of the offshore-set dual-cod trap nets (27.1 F/NN when both cod-ends were summed) and all were statistically greater than offshore-set single-cod trap nets (8.0 F/NN). In 2007, we compared shoreline-set single-cod trap nets to offshore-set dual-cod trap nets for one and three night soak times in eight reservoirs and offshore-set dual-cod trap nets only for one and three night soak times in five reservoirs.

Restrictive fish stocking policies in National Parks were developed as early as 1936 in order to preserve native fish assemblages and historic genetic diversity. Despite recent efforts to understand the effects of non-native or exotic fish introductions, park managers have limited information regarding the effects of these introductions on native fish communities. Shenandoah National Park was established in 1936 and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) restoration within selected streams in the park began in 1937 in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF). An analysis of tissue samples from brook, brown (Salmo trutta), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from 29 streams within the park from 1998-2002 revealed the presence of Renibacterium salmoninarum, Yersinia ruckeri, and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNv).

Stream restoration projects in coldwater streams have become increasingly common in North Carolina. Many of these projects are undertaken to reduce streambank erosion; however, improving aquatic habitat for fish is often a secondary goal. In an effort to evaluate the impact of stream restoration work on trout, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission monitored trout abundance and biomass within two North Carolina streams. Trout were monitored one year prior to and for four years following restoration with backpack electrofishing gear. The data collected from each restoration reach was compared with data collected from an un-restored upstream control reach. Annual variation in relative trout abundance was similar between the restoration and control reach on both streams, suggesting that the changes observed were a result of natural variability.

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) habitat restoration is needed across a range of stream sizes; however, studies quantifying brook trout habitat preferences in streams of differing sizes are rare. We used radio-telemetry to quantify adult brook trout microhabitat use in a central Appalachian watershed, the upper Shavers Fork of the Cheat River in eastern West Virginia. Our objectives were to: 1) quantify non-random microhabitat use by adult brook trout in the Shavers Fork main stem (drainage area = 32 km2) and an adjacent tributary, Rocky Run (drainage area = 7 km2); and 2) construct stream-specific habitat suitability curves (HSCs) for four important microhabitat variables (depth, average current velocity, maximum current velocity within one meter, and distance to cover).

Increasing interest in “trophy” catfish angling in Oklahoma has prompted Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) staff to collect basic biological data aimed at managing these fisheries. In light of recent studies indicating slow growth rates of reservoir blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) populations, management of trophy fisheries becomes challenging. In an effort to better understand catfish angler and harvest statistics, ODWC Law Enforcement Division personnel interviewed catfish anglers statewide to determine angling method, average angler party size and species, numbers, and sizes of catfish harvested. Data were collected from 4007 catfish anglers (1889 parties contacted) on 66 bodies of water from May 2006 through December 2007. Most anglers pursued catfish using rod and reel (69.1%), followed by juglines (23.7%), trotlines (5.0%), and limblines or noodling (2.2%). Rod and reel angling accounted for most catfish harvested (4425), followed by juglines (2206).

A modified fish health assessment index (mHAI) and liver lipid concentration was used to determine condition of individual blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus), channel catfish (I. punctatus), and flathead catfish (Pylodictus olivarus) in tailwater and reservoir habitats of the Coosa River, Alabama. Our goal was to describe and compare condition using a mHAI and liver lipid analyses of catfishes from the Coosa River. Tissues and organs of fish were collected, evaluated and scored for deviations from normal appearances to derive a mHAI score for each fish. Percent liver lipid content was also determined. Health of all catfish, based on mHAI, was generally good. No differences in health were found for blue catfish and channel catfish by season or habitat. Flathead catfish health varied seasonally. No seasonal or habitat differences in percent liver lipids were found for any species.

Radio transmitters were implanted in 20 northern snakeheads (Channa argus) in April 2006 to evaluate movement and habitat use of this newly established population. Eight fish were monitored through 15 September 2006, and five transmitters remained active until the conclusion of the study in January 2007. Linear movement was summarized for nine fish frequently found (7-28 contacts; mean 20, SD = 8). Mean movement was 541 m (SD = 356) and the mean “maximum recorded distance” was 2901 m (SD = 2050). Linear movement for fish tracked during the spawning period was significantly different between individuals (ANOVA, P = 0.01), while post spawn movement was not. Northern snakeheads moved more during the post spawn period than during spawning months (March-September). Northern snakeheads showed a habitat preference for hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata, 24.0%), floating docks (22.8%), and milfoil (Myriophyllum, spicatum, 21.6%) during this study.

We evaluated recreational fishing for black bass (Micropterus) species in two eastern Oklahoma streams. We conducted creel and tagging exploitation studies on the Baron Fork of the Illinois River in northeastern Oklahoma and Glover River of the Little River in southeastern Oklahoma. We used a roving creel survey on Baron Fork and the bus-route creel survey on Glover River. Over three years, exploitation rates of smallmouth bass in Baron Fork exceeded those in Glover River by about 30% and for all black bass by about 7%. Catch and harvest per unit effort, fishing pressure, and yield on Baron Fork exceeded those of Glover River. The smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu) fishery in Baron Fork was characterized by high catch and harvest rates, and yield was among the highest reported in the literature for smallmouth bass stream fisheries. Conversely, the fishery in Glover River was typified by lower catch and harvest; however, the average length of smallmouth bass at harvest was greater.

In order to assess the change in spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) density relative to water level in a disconnected low-water refuge, we used monofilament gill nets to collect adult gar throughout the annual flood pulse in the Atchafalaya River Basin (ARB), Louisiana. Spotted gar density was greatest during low-water periods and there was a strong negative correlation between spotted gar catch per unit effort and the Atchafalaya River water level at Butte La Rose (P = 0.0002, R2 = 0.5763). The spotted gar population in Deer Lake, a disconnected backwater area, was estimated to be 2,079 individuals (95% CL = 849 < N < 5,198) during a low-water period. Adult spotted gar biomass in Deer Lake at bank-full level was one of the highest recorded levels (267 kg ha-1; P [109 ≤ 267 ≤ 668] = 0.95) in a large river floodplain. Fall 2005 water levels in the ARB were among the lowest on record.

Fish attractors are commonly used by fisheries agencies to concentrate cover-seeking species. The objective of this study was to determine if an attractor fabricated with polyethylene pipe (plastic) attracted and concentrated as many largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and sunfish (Lepomis sp.) as juniper tree (Juniperus ashei) attractors. Fish counts at each attractor type were made by scuba divers at five study sites in Canyon Reservoir, Texas. Overall, few fish were observed in the plastic attractors (mean = 3.4) compared to juniper tree attractors (mean = 30.3) (P < 0.05). Significantly greater numbers (P < 0.05) of adult and juvenile largemouth bass and bluegill (juvenile and adult) were concentrated in juniper attractors compared to plastic attractors. While 81% of the attractors deployed at the test sites were plastic, there was strong evidence (P < 0.05) that bluegill (adults and juveniles) and adult largemouth bass selected juniper attractors.

A 35-d growth trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of fertilization with flaxseed meal versus cottonseed meal on fingerling red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) production characteristics (individual weight, total length, and percent survival), water quality parameters, and zooplankton densities in plastic-lined ponds. Red drum fry were stocked into 16 randomly allocated 0.40-ha ponds, with eight ponds per fertilization treatment. Mean individual weight of red drum fingerlings was significantly larger in ponds fertilized with flaxseed meal than in ponds fertilized with cottonseed meal throughout the growth trial. Similarly, red drum fingerlings had significantly greater mean length in ponds fertilized with flaxseed meal during the first 25 days of culture; however, no difference in total length was observed at the termination of the growth trial.

Beginning in the early 1900s, the original range and abundance of brook trout within Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) was drastically reduced due to landscape alterations resulting from increased logging and introduction of nonnative salmonid species. Consequently, brook trout populations retreated to the headwaters of most streams, resulting in geographic isolation due to waterfalls and eventual genetic differentiation of the fish inhabiting these streams. In an effort to reestablish LeConte Creek's extirpated brook trout population, GRSM fisheries managers collected fish from three streams known to support populations of genetically pure “Southern Appalachian” brook trout (Greenbrier, Cosby and Indian Camp Creeks). Brook trout were collected, pooled, and transplanted into LeConte Creek.

Prairie grouse (Tympanuchus and Centrocercus spp.) once occupied wide expanses of North American grass and shrub habitats. In the last three decades, prairie grouse populations have exhibited precipitous declines, often because of altered land use practices. There is a need to develop new research and management techniques to facilitate prairie grouse conservation efforts. We evaluated aerial survey capabilities to assist in the management of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus; [LPC]). Our objectives were to determine the most efficient aircraft type and flight parameters to locate leks, determine if adverse lekking behavior results from aircraft disturbance, and determine if distance sampling can be used to estimate the number of leks in suitable LPC habitat. Aerial surveys were conducted during the spring 2006-2008 in the Texas Panhandle and eastern New Mexico using three aircraft platforms: a Cessna 172 airplane and Robinson-22 and Robinson-44 helicopters.

One of the many factors, and arguably the most important, that affects recruitment into any breeding population of egg laying species is nest success. The nesting ecology of American alligators has been well studied in both Florida and Louisiana, but only one study that concerns alligators nesting in Texas has been published. This study was conducted on an inland site, and probably does not reflect the biology of alligators nesting in coastal marshes. For the past 22 years, locations of alligator nests on the J. D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area (MWMA) in Jefferson County, Texas, have been mapped during annual aerial alligator nest surveys. Nest surveys are conducted during early July, shortly after peak alligator nesting has taken place. Data collected at each nest including its location (levee or marsh), presence of an adult, size of adult, aggression level of adult, evidence of predation and fire ant presence.

The breeding structure of white-tailed deer has been described as dominance based. In age-structured populations relatively few dominant males were thought to do most of the breeding. However, recent studies have documented the successful breeding of all age classes. It has been suggested that the breeding success of young males is the result of exclusively mating with young females, while older males concentration their efforts on mature females. We tested this idea by capturing 337 male white-tailed deer from an age-structured population (>50% of the males ≥ 3.5 years old) in south Texas and sampling litters of offspring. Genetic paternity was assigned to offspring using 17 microsatellite loci to determine the role of male and female age on the distribution of breeding success among age classes.

As part of an ongoing investigation of sustainable harvest strategies for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations, we are estimating overwinter survival in two Texas ecoregions that have stable bobwhite population trends, the Rolling Plains and the Rio Grande Plains. Estimating overwinter survival in the absence of hunting is an important variable in developing a sustained-yield harvest strategy for bobwhites. Overwinter bobwhite survival was estimated using radio-marked bobwhites from 16 November 2007 to 29 February 2008. Overwinter survival estimates were calculated using Kaplan-Meier staggered-entry approach. A seven-day censoring period was used to minimize bias associated with capture, handling, and radio-collaring of bobwhites. We found survival rates with the Rolling Plains (n = 61) having overwinter survival of (0.293 ± 0.101 [95%CI]) and the Rio Grande Plains (n = 91) with (0.145 ± 0.055).

Detection estimates of Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia, RGWT) are lacking and little research has focused on the development and evaluation of survey techniques for estimating RGWT populations. The objective of this study was to compare RGWT detection rates using aerial (Cessna 152) and roadside surveys in different vegetation communities in south Texas. Decoy flocks were randomly set 0-100 m from roads prior to surveys. Detection rate was estimated as (n decoys observed/n decoys available) x 100. Surveys were conducted in February and March 2007 and in November and December 2007. Mean detection rates for roadside surveys differed numerically among heavy brush 39.9% (95% CI; LCL = 32.1; UCL = 47.9), mixed brush 52% (LCL = 39.7; UCL = 64.3), and open range 64% (LCL = 51.3; UCL = 77.2). Aerial survey detection rates were similar for heavy brush 29.9% (LCL = 14.4; UCL = 43.9), mixed brush 35% (LCL = 16.1; UCL = 54.3), and open range 52% (LCL = 34.7; UCL = 68.6).

With 10 distinct ecological areas and more than 60 million ha of rural lands, Texas is second only to California in total biodiversity. Since about 95 percent of the state is privately owned, public/private partnerships and economic incentives are essential in managing wildlife, including a status assessment of nongame species and habitats in the state. Completed in 2005, the State Wildlife Action Plan identifies priority species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and plants and their habitats that warrant conservation attention. Although many of these resources are known or thought to be in decline, the true status is unknown because of restricted access to private lands to conduct surveys. The last statewide assessment was conducted by Vernon Bailey in 1905. New tools and approaches are needed today. The use of confidentiality policy, technological advances, and market-based approaches to inventory private lands are being explored in Texas.

Certain species of neotropical migrant songbirds have been decreasing in abundance throughout their breeding range for prolonged periods and a cause of immediate concern. Information on the extent of changes in habitats caused by land management practices and use of such habitats by forest bird communities is critical for management. This study was designed in order to establish a long-term system for avian population monitoring at Tombigbee National Forest and Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge located in north central Mississippi. Avian communities were used to evaluate the impact of differing intensities of forest management practices on select individual breeding species and summer avian community parameters within hardwood, pine, and pine hardwood habitat types of differing age classes. Total bird abundance, total bird conservation value, species richness, and Shannon-Wiener diversity differed between the study sites within the hardwood habitat type.

Fire's stochastic behavior caused by vegetation, topography, and weather has caused concern and reduced use among landowners and managers. To better understand fire behavior in fire-absent forest stands, we examined fire characteristics relative to vegetation conditions manipulated with or without a prior herbicide application. We used six replicate stands with four randomly-assigned treatment plots (burn, herbicide, burn*herbicide, control) to assess dormant season burns with a three-year fire return interval. We measured fuel moisture and weather variables pre-burn, residence time, rate of spread and flame height during burns, and pre- and post-burn fuel composition. We used a mixed-models repeated measures ANOVA to test for differences between treatments (burn and burn*herbicide) within years, interaction terms, and differences within treatments if we detected significant interaction.

We located 18 Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia; RGWT) winter roost sites and 18 random sites at three study areas in Brooks and Kennedy Counties from December 2006 to February 2008. Our objective was to determine microhabitat structural characteristics of RGWT winter roosts that distinguished them from random locations in south Texas. At each roost, we measured tree height, diameter at breast height (dbh), canopy cover, and tree density. Variables were tested for normality using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. A t-test was used to examine differences between roost and random sites for those variables found to be normally distributed; the Mann-Whitney test was used for variables that were non-normally distributed. Roost trees were 33.0% taller (P ≤ 0.0001; x = 9.39 + 0.08 m [SE]) than trees at random points (6.32 + 0.04 m) and had 41.3% larger dbh (P ≤ 0.0001; x = 31.79 + 0.59 cm) than random points (18.66 + 0.22 cm).

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission biologists evaluated the fishing activity and environmental attitudes of campers following participation in the Joe Budd Summer Fish Camp. The study's objectives were to determine if attending fish camp enhanced long-term fishing participation and awareness of and importance of protecting aquatic resources. Findings were based on a 19-question survey received from 260 (75.1%) campers who had participated in at least one week of camp from 2000 through 2006. Participants in a school based fishing program (n = 258) were used as a comparison group. More than 93% of campers, with no prior fishing experience, continued to fish after attending fish camp. Nearly two-thirds of campers that showed moderate (3 to 10 times per year) fishing activity prior to attending camp increased their fishing activity following camp. Attending a long-term angler education program increased the number of days fishing each year by campers.

Freshwater mussels (family:Unionidae) play an important role in aquatic ecosystems. Approximately 53 unionid species exist in Texas and 38% of these species are thought to be highly imperiled. In 1998, Texas Mussel Watch (TMW), a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Texas Nature Trackers Program, first trained a group of 20 volunteers to help TPWD document the presence or absence of freshwater mussel species in the rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds of Texas. Over 200 volunteers have participated in TMW workshops since the inception of the project, logged over 1,000 volunteer hours, covered over 150 sites in 18 Texas river systems in 53 counties, and recorded the presence 39 unionid species. During TMW workshops, participants are presented with information on the distribution, biology, and identification of unionids in Texas, as well as information on non-native species such as Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha).

The Toyota Texas Bass Classic (TTBC) is a professional bass fishing tournament that promotes fishing and the conservation efforts of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). This unique bass tournament, created through a partnership among Gulf States Toyota, the Professional Anglers Association, and TPWD, showcases a new “catch-weigh-immediate release” format that differs from typical stage weigh-in practices. Two events held at Lake Fork, Texas, in 2007 and 2008 demonstrated the utility of the format on a fishery managed with a slot limit. This new format opens doors for conducting professional bass tournaments on reservoirs managed with restrictive size limits and gives fisheries managers' opportunities to reconsider these types of limits on reservoirs where tournament fishing has influenced the selection of less restrictive limits.

Carter Creek is a third-order stream located in the Navasota River drainage. It runs through urban and agricultural lands along the eastern edge of Bryan and College Station, Texas, and receives secondary treated wastewater at three locations. Fish samples were taken from five different sites in fall 2007 and three different sites in spring 2008 and compared based on the metrics used for an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI). All fish caught were by the use of straight seines and bag seines. Preliminary analysis indicates that ten species made up 95% of all fish collected across both years, and among these were five native cyprinids (blacktail shiner, red shiner, Mississippi silvery minnow, bullhead minnow, and pugnose minnow), seven invertivores (including longear sunfish and blackstripe topminnow), three omnivores, five tolerant (including Western mosquitofish and bluegill), and one intolerant species (Ribbon shiner).