Jay A. Roberson

Nesting Habitat of White-winged Doves in Urban Environments of Southern Texas

Changes in white-winged dove (Zenaida asiatica) distribution and habitat use have occurred in Texas since the 1940s. Breeding populations are now common in urban areas throughout Texas. These changes have resulted in unique challenges for monitoring populations in urban environments because of factors such as traffic, construction, and residential development. Delineating potential breeding habitat within urban areas may make surveys more efficient. Our objectives were to examine nest tree selection and identify habitat attributes associated with urban populations of white-winged doves. We...

Demographics of the Gulf Coast Subpopulation of Mid-continent Sandhill Cranes

Non-game Wildlife Outstanding Technical Paper

Current recommendations for subpopulation management for mid-continent sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) are based on tentative evidence that suggests geographic separation of crane concentrations during migration and winter and possible variation in demographic characteristics between these groups. We determined distribution, abundance, subspecific composition, and annual recruitment of the Gulf Coast subpopulation of mid-continent sandhill cranes because little information was available on most demographic characteristics of this subpopulation. Based on aerial line transect surveys...