Yield Trials For Red Drum In Brackish·Water Ponds, 1976-1979
In 2 trials during 1976-1979, juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellata) were reared to marketable size (454 g) in 0.08-ha, brackish-water ponds at the Claude Peteet MaricuIture Center. In Trial I, survivors from a nursery pond were stocked in 2 production ponds, fed a commercial feed, and harvested when 394 or 532 days old. Less than I% of drum from the first harvest were marketable, and yield was 787 kgl ha with 21O-g mean weight, 89% survival, and 2.8 feed conversion. Twenty-one percent from the second harvest were marketable, and yield was 1,062 kgl ha with 335-g mean weight, 75% survival...