Raj V. Kilambi

Population Dynamics of White Bass in Beaver Reservoir, Arkansas

Age and growth, mortality and population structure of white bass from Beaver Reservoir were studied. The number of scale radii increased with age of fish and were useful in the identification of annuli. Growth histories for year classes 1958-1970 showed increased growth during the reservoir formation. Analysis of growth data by the von Bertalanffy growth formula indicated that the postimpoundment white bass attained larger asymptotic lengths than the preimpoundment fish. The factors influencing the asymptotic size were discussed. The population structure revealed that the Beaver...

Growth and Production of Golden Shiner Notemigonus Crysoleucas (Mitchill), Under Different Stocking Densities and Protein Levels

Golden shiner fry (0.18-0.21 g) were raised in 6O-gallon tanks for a period of six months under constant temperature and photoperiod but varying stocking densities and protein levels in food. The stocking densities and protein levels were 20, 28, and 36 fish per tank, and 28, 33, and 38% protein. All the fish were fed at 5% of body weight. Growth in weight and production were evaJuated in relation to stocking densities and protein levels. It was found that a density of 20 fish/60 gallons (100,000 fry per acre) and feed containing 33% protein were desirable for raising golden shiner.