R. A. Ott, Jr.

Precision of White Crappie Population Parameters Under Single-night and Multiple-night Frame-net Sampling Regimes

White crappie (Pomoxis annularis) stock structure and catch rate estimates and their associated variances were compared between 1-night and 3-night frame-net sets. We set paired frame nets at each of 5 stations on 3 reservoirs in fall and early winter 1990. We ran 1 net of each pair the morning after it was set; the second net of each pair was allowed to fish for 3 nights continuously. PSD and RSDp estimates from each sampling regime were similar. Three night sets significantly increased precision of PSD estimates. Both 1-night and 3-night sets yielded similar estimates of CPUES, CPUEq,...

Comparison of Gill Nets and Jug Lines for Selectively Harvesting Large Gar

The effectiveness of gill nets and jug lines were evaluated for selectively harvesting large alligator gar (Lepisosteus spatula) and longnose gar (L. osseus) in Sam Rayburn Reservoir, Texas. Gill nets with bar-mesh sizes ranging from 5.08 to 15.24 cm and jug lines were fished during September and October 1986. Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) in number of fish per man-hour, lengths of gar captured, and relative selectivity by gear were compared. Average effort required to fish I gill net or 10 jug lines overnight was 1 man-hour. CPUE of both gar species was significantly greater by jug...