Michael J. Chamberlain

Microhabitat Characteristics of Wild Turkey Prenest and Nest Site Selection in Central Mississippi

We radio-monitored 35 wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) hens during prenesting and nesting periods in central Mississippi, 1996-1997. Comparing microhabitat variables associated with prenesting areas (N = 35) and nest sites (N = 22) with random sites indicated that groundstory conditions, including grass and woody growth, were related to hen selection of both prenesting and nesting sites. Distance to nearest road, vertical vegetative cover, and basal area were not related to nest site location (P > 0.05). We recommend managers maintain habitats with abundant grasses within landscapes...

Diel Activity Patterns of Adult Bobcats in Central Mississippi

We monitored 13 (6 female, 7 male) adult bobcats (Lynx rufus) using radiotelemetry and examined seasonal activity patterns using 9,217 observations from August 1989 - August 1990. Female bobcats were active 49% and males were active 60% of the diel period. Mean percentage activity during winter of males (x = 71%,SE = 4.0%) was greater (P < 0.01) than that of females (x + 44%, SE + 5%). Bobcats exhibited greatest activity during crepuscular and nocturnal periods. We detected a less defined bimodal crepuscular activity than previous studies. High diurnal activity makes bobcats susceptible...

Predation Rates on Wild Turkey Hens in a Hardwood Bottomland Forest and a Mixed Forest in Mississippi

Concern has arisen about effects of predation on wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) populations because of increases in predator abundance. We examined differences in canid (Canis spp.) and bobcat (Felis rufus) predation of adult wild turkey hens between a hardwood bottomland forest and a mixed forest in Mississippi. Daily mortality rate from canids and bobcats was higher on the hardwood bottomland forest (0.002) than on the mixed forest (0.0006), but overall daily survival rates were similar. A higher predation rate on the hardwood bottomland forest from large predators may have been...