Michael J. Chamberlain

Effects of Row Spacing and Debris Distribution on Vegetative Communities in Newly Established Loblolly-pine Plantations in Louisiana

Wildlife Outstanding Technical Paper

Commercial pine (Pinus spp.) forests in the southeastern United States are critical to providing fiber for global wood supply needs. Intensive forest management techniques including row spacing and woody debris distribution can impact plant communities. Therefore, we quantified response of plant communities in replanted P. taeda stands to mechanical site preparation at two levels of row spacing (narrow and wide) and two methods of distributing woody debris (piling and scattering) following harvest in Louisiana. Sites were prepared with a combination of row spacing between planting beds (n...

Microhabitat Characteristics as Predictors of Occupancy by Bachman's Sparrow in a Fire-managed Pine Forest of Louisiana

Longleaf pine forests have declined precipitously throughout the southeastern United States, partially because of reductions in prescribed burning. Populations of species associated with longleaf forests, such as Bachman's sparrow (Aimophila aestivalis), also have declined at alarming rates. Efforts to restore longleaf systems are ongoing throughout the region, and involve varying fire-return intervals. We assessed whether Bachman's sparrow detection probabilities and site occupancy were associated with differences in microhabitat caused by variations in fire regimes. The fire regimes...

Space Use and Survival of Male White-tailed Deer in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest of

A basic understanding of White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are an important economic and recreational resource in population dynamics is essential to ensure sound management, but baseline information in Louisiana is lacking. Our objectives were to estimate space use, survival, and causes of mortality for a managed white-tailed deer population in southern Louisiana. We radio-marked 11 yearling (1.5 yr old) and 26 adult males (≥2.5 yr old) during 2007-2008. Home ranges (95%) for adult males during spring, summer, and fall were 153.9, 70.4, and 118.0 ha, respectively, and were...

Spatial Ecology and Survival of Male Wild Turkeys in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest

Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) ecology in bottomland hardwood forests remains poorly understood. Specifically, managers lack basic information on spatial ecology and survival of males in these forests. Space use is an important tool to determine areas of extensive or non-use, and these areas may provide insight to managing quality habitats for turkeys. Furthermore, no information is available on potential shifts in space use by males before and during the breeding season, yet such information could help managers better understand male behavior relative to habitat...

Efficacy of Spring Herbicide Applications for Fescue Control: A Comparison of Three Products

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was designed to remove highly erodible cropland from production. Although wildlife habitat benefits are an important component of CRP, millions of hectares of CRP do not produce optimal wildlife benefit because of poor cover crop choice. Kentucky-31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea; hereafter, fescue) was one of the most commonly planted grasses on CRP fields but provides relatively poor habitat for grassland birds such as northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). Control of fescue and release of a latent native plant community may enhance habitat...

Forecasting Models for Harvest of River Otter in Louisiana

Although thousands of river otters (Lontra canadensis) are harvested every year in Louisiana, no formal management plan exists for the species. As a first step toward development of such a plan, we described general trends and associations between number of otters harvested and pelt price and number of licensed trappers during 1957-2004. We also applied time series analysis to develop forecasting models for river otters harvested. Although number of otters harvested was stationary, trends were detected in number of licensed trappers and pelt price. The early 1980s appear as a point of...

Effects of Two Site Preparation Techniques on Biomass of

Recently, concern has arisen regarding possible effects of site preparation treatments, particularly herbicide use, on availability and quality of browse for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). To examine this concern, we quantified species-specific plant biomass of browse for deer in clearcuts site prepared with either prescribed fire (N = 5) or a combination of imazapyr with triclopyr and prescribed fire (N = 5) in eastern Louisiana during 2003-2005. Total biomass of quality browse did not differ between treatments, but was higher in years 1 and 2 post-treatment. However, stands...

Survival and Nest Success of Female Wild Turkeys in a Louisiana Bottomland Hardwood Forest

Survival of female wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) influences turkey productivity. Although patterns of survival and productivity have been extensively researched in most forested landscapes, little information is available for female turkeys in bottomland hardwood systems, although importance of these systems is widely recognized. Therefore, we captured and radiomarked 39 female wild turkeys in a bottomland hardwood forest in south-central Louisiana during 2001-2004. Mean annual survival was 0.67. Survival was greatest during preincubation (1.00) potentially because of increased...

Seasonal Space Use and Habitat Selection of Female Wild Turkeys in a Louisiana Bottomland Hardwood Forest

Significant losses to bottomland hardwood forests have occurred throughout the southeastern United States, and considerable efforts are ongoing to restore bottomlands. Understanding ecology of wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in these systems will become increasingly important as distribution and availability of these forests continues to change through time. Although considerable research has examined space and habitat use of wild turkeys in upland forests, information is lacking for bottomland hardwood systems. We captured and radiomarked 32 female wild turkeys in a bottomland hardwood...