Thomas L. Quay

Food Habits Of Waterfowl In Currituck Sound, North Carolina

The food contents of 326 gizzards from 15 species of waterfowl collected on Currituck Sound between 1947 and 1952 were analyzed in detail by the aggregate percentage method. The collection period was a time of generally low and fluctuating waterfowl populations on the Sound. Per cent frequency and per cent volume results are presented for 122 diving ducks (six species), 75 ruddy ducks, 97 dabbling ducks (six species), 17 Canada geese, and 15 coots, both in groups and by species. Plant foods composed 97% of the total. Potamogeton, Ruppia, and Najas were the overwhelmingly important foods...

A Three-Year Study of the Fall Migration and Roosting-Flight Habits of the Wood Duck in East-Central North Carolina

Late afternoon counts of wood ducks (Aix sponsa) , as they came to roost in woodland ponds, were made in the fall and early winter months of 1953, 1954, and 1960, near Wendell, North Carolina. The numbers of wood ducks which came to roost increased rapidly during October of each year and peak numbers generally were recorded during late October and very early November, in correlation with the regular fall migration of these birds to and through the state from more northern areas. The roosting populations decreased during November and December and few wood ducks remained in the region...