Seth E. Mott

Use of Mississippi Bottomland Hardwoods by White-tailed Deer

Nine white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) outfitted with radio collars were observed for 9 months or longer to monitor seasonal movements and habitat utilization. Estimates of seasonal home-range size, using a multivariate method, varied from 176 ha to 1245 ha, and annual home range size varied from 455 ha to 2216 ha. Average annual home ranges of 4 females (737 ha ± 219 SD) was about half the average home range of 5 males (l511 ha ± 571 SD). Habitat utilization/availability analysis demonstrated significantly greater (P < 0.05) utilization of dense bottomland hardwood sawtimber...

Use of Mississippi Bottomland Hardwoods by White-tailed Deer

Nine white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) outfitted with radio collars were observed for 9 months or longer to monitor seasonal movements and habitat utilization. Estimates of seasonal home-range size, using a multivariate method, varied from 176 ha to 1245 ha, and annual home range size varied from 455 ha to 2216 ha. Average annual home ranges of 4 females (737 ha ± 219 SD) was about half the average home range of 5 males (l511 ha ± 571 SD). Habitat utilization/availability analysis demonstrated significantly greater (P < 0.05) utilization of dense bottomland hardwood sawtimber...