Raymond B. Iglay

No Corn, No Problem: A Test for the Best Non-Grain Attractant for Wild Pigs

SEAFWA Journal Volume 11, March 2024

Grain-based attractants (e.g., corn) are standard among most wild pig (Sus scrofa) trapping and non-invasive sampling efforts (e.g., genetic spatial capture/recapture, camera trapping), but their use is not always feasible due to cost, deployment restrictions (e.g., difficulty of transporting grain into remote areas, property rules), and potential disease concerns associated with concentrating non-target species at bait sites. Attractant deployment and efficacy should be considered by biologists, private landowners, and researchers given the ultimate need to use attractants to attract wild...

Herpetofauna Response to Fire and Imazapyr in Intensively- managed Mid-rotation Pine Stands in Mississippi

Forest managers are increasingly expected to incorporate conservation of biodiversity in forest management plans, but a paucity of information exists regarding herpetofauna responses to mid-rotation release practices of dormant-season prescribed fire and herbicide in intensively-managed pine (Pinus spp.) stands. However, these management tools have demonstrated capabilities of improving conservation value in southeastern pine forests. Therefore, we investigated herpetofauna responses to factorial combinations of dormant-season prescribed fire and imazapyr using a randomized complete...

Biodiversity Response to Fire and Herbicide in Intensively-managed Pine Stands of Mississippi

Common mid-rotation forest management practices in intensively-managed pine (Pinus spp.) stands include thinning, fertilization, herbicide use, and prescribed burning. However, greater herbicide use and less prescribed fire have generated questions regarding treatment effects on biological diversity within these systems. Therefore, we determined biodiversity response (songbirds, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, carabid beetles, understory vegetation) to factorial combinations of dormant season prescribed fire and imazapyr herbicide in thinned and fertilized, mid-rotation intensively...

Prescribed Fire Behavior in Mid-rotation Pine Stands of Mississippi

Fire's stochastic behavior caused by vegetation, topography, and weather has caused concern and reduced use among landowners and managers. To better understand fire behavior in fire-absent forest stands, we examined fire characteristics relative to vegetation conditions manipulated with or without a prior herbicide application. We used six replicate stands with four randomly-assigned treatment plots (burn, herbicide, burn*herbicide, control) to assess dormant season burns with a three-year fire return interval. We measured fuel moisture and weather variables pre-burn, residence time, rate...

Food Availability Versus Preference of Wild Turkey Poults in Intensively-managed Pine Stands in Mississippi

Importance of invertebrates to growth and development of eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) poults has been well documented. However, few studies have investigated direct invertebrate use by poults, specifically in relation to alternative forest management regimes. Therefore, we measured invertebrate selection by turkey poults in thinned, mid-rotation loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations, treated with factorial combinations of prescribed burning and a selective herbicide, in east-central Mississippi in 2000 and 2001. Using suction sampling and humanimprinted turkey...