Patrick D. Keyser

Northern Bobwhite Seasonal Habitat Selection on a Reclaimed Surface Coal Mine in Kentucky

SEAFWA Journal Volume 2, March 2015

Reclaimed surface mines present an opportunity to provide large tracts of habitat for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Reclaimed surface mine sites are commonly planted to non-native species, including sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) and tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus), which can inhibit growth of more desirable plant species and limit favorable structure for bobwhite. There have been no studies documenting how bobwhites use various vegetation types common to reclaimed surface mine land. Habitat use studies can provide information on selected vegetation types on these...

Structure of Avian Habitat Following Hay and Biofuels Production in Native Warm-season Grass Stands in the Mid-South

SEAFWA Journal Volume 1, March 2014
Wildlife Outstanding Technical Paper

Changing pasture and hayfield management practices have impacted grassland songbird and northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations in the Mid-South in the past 50 years. Non-native species, such as tall fescue (Schedonorus phoenix) and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), are commonly used for hay production, where they are managed in dense stands that are harvested during peak nesting periods for grassland birds. Native warm-season grasses, including switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) have been promoted for hay and biofuels production and are often touted as beneficial for wildlife....

Preliminary Avian Habitat and Animal Performance Response to an Integrated Forage/Biofuels Management System in the Mid-south

Habitat loss, habitat degradation, and agricultural intensification are primary factors contributing to the decline of many birds that use grasslands, including the endangered grasshopper sparrow and the northern bobwhite. Current grazing practices in the Mid-South focus on getting high yields from dense, monotypic stands of non-native forages, which provide no bare ground, little vertical structure, and poor plant species richness. Few studies have examined the vegetative response of native warm-season forages to various grazing systems with respect to bird habitat, and none have been...

Evidence of Stock-recruit Relationships for Appalachian Brook Trout

Stock-recruit (SR) relationships have been reported for numerous stocks of trout and Pacific salmon, but despite the intuitive appeal, evidence of such relationships is lacking for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). The relationship between number of adults spawning in a stream and the subsequent number of young produced can be used by management to predict year class strength. Disruptions of SR relationships (for species that exhibit strong relationships) can be indicative of environmental perturbations or habitat impairment. As part of a long-term study we have estimated brook trout...

Fire Impacts to Small Mammals in Piedmont Oak-shelterwoods

Successful regeneration of oaks on better sites (SI50>60) has proven difficult in recent decades due to competition from faster growing species and well-established advanced regeneration from more shade-tolerant species. The suppression of fire is thought to have played a critical role in allowing this largely fire-intolerant competition to dominate many upland hardwood forests at the expense of oaks. As part of a larger study examining the role of prescribed fire in regenerating upland oaks, seasonal prescribed burns were applied to first-stage shelterwood harvested stands on Horsepen...