Patrick D. Gerard

Aquatic Invertebrate Biomass in Coastal South Carolina Impoundments Managed for Waterfowl

SEAFWA Journal Volume 10, March 2023
Wildlife Outstanding Technical Paper

Production of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) is promoted for waterfowl forage through hydrological management in brackish tidal impoundments along the south Atlantic coast, USA. This management also promotes production of aquatic invertebrates as food resources for many bird species. We conducted a field experiment to compare effects of traditional complete drawdown to fissure substrates versus a novel partial drawdown (i.e., mudflat to 10 cm depth) on aquatic invertebrate biomass in impounded and non-impounded tidal wetlands in the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Ed- isto Rivers (ACE) Basin,...

Box-nesting Wood Ducks and Black-bellied Whistling Ducks in Coastal South Carolina

SEAFWA Journal Volume 9, March 2022

Installation and maintenance of artificial nesting structures are established practices for increasing production of secondary cavity nesting waterfowl, especially wood ducks (Aix sponsa). In South Carolina, tens of thousands of nest boxes have been erected on public and private lands. Ad- ditionally, since the early 2000s, black-bellied whistling ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis) have expanded their range into South Carolina and now are nesting sympatric with wood ducks in boxes. We conducted a survey of 364 and 354 nest boxes in 2016 and 2017,...

Wood Duck Reproduction in Small and Large Nest Boxes in Mississippi: A Continued Experiment

Multi-year studies in wildlife science and management can provide novel insights not detected in short-term investigations. Therefore, we continued a 2-year study by Stephens et al. (1998) to evaluate wood duck (Aix sponsa) reproduction in conventional and small nest boxes (i.e., approximately one-half conventional size) at Noxubee and Yazoo National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) in Mississippi. Small nest boxes were designed to deter excessive dump nesting by wood ducks at these refuges. During 1994-1997, use of large boxes by wood ducks remained high (≥70%) at both study areas, but use of...

Habitat Characteristics of Wild Turkey Nest Sites in Central Mississippi

Nest success strongly influences wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) reproduction. Understanding selection of nesting habitats may provide information for management opportunities to increase turkey nest success. Therefore, we examined the landscape scale habitat selection of wild turkey hens during nesting. A logistic regression model with 89 nest locations and 89 random locations indicated an intercept term, elevation, and distances to mature pine burned ≤3 years ago and mature pine not burned within 3 years differed significantly (P<0.04) between used and random sites. Nest success was...