P. F. Scanlon

Gonadal And Hormonal Characteristics Of Juvenile Female Mourning Doves In Virginia

Trapped or hunter-harvested juvenile female mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) in Virginia were examined for reproductive activity during the late summer and fall of 1975, 1976, and 1977. Body, ovary, and oviduct weights, diameter of the 3 largest follicles in the ovary, presence or absence of eggs in the reproductive tract, and presence or absence of crop gland activity were recorded for all trapped juveniles. Blood samples also were collected for estradiol and progestin analysis. All pertinent reproductive data, excluding body weights and blood samples, were collected from hunter-...

Field Techniques For Detection And Evaluation Of Crop Gland Activity In Mourning Doves

Two field techniques were developed to detect and evaluate crop gland activity in live mourning doves (Zenaida macroura). An inexpensive, commercially-produced "inspection light" was successfully used as a crop examination device (CEO). Crops of 45 adult and 40 juvenile doves of both sexes were examined by palpation and CEO. There was a significant (P <0.00 I) dependence of test score upon crop phase; a significant (P < 0.00 I) difference also occurred between test procedures used. Best results were obtained when palpation and the CEO were used together. Under these circumstances,...

Crop-Gland Activity in Mourning Doves During Hunting Seasons In Virginia

Breeding populations of the mourning dove (Zenaidura macroura) have been declining over the past decade while at the same time hunting pressure and harvest have increased. Thus, minimization of conf1ict between nesting activity and hunting is important in stabilizing populations. As the crop-gland activity of doves provides an indication of post-hatching nesting activity the proportion of doves with active and regressing crop-glands was studied during the 1971 and 1972 hunting seasons in Virginia. Examination dates, number of adult doves examined, number with active (A) crop-glands, and...