P. D. Keyser

Influence of Time Lags and Population Segment in Density-physical Parameter Relationships in White-tailed Deer

Managers and biologists have long relied on relatively inexpensive and easily collected data from hunter-harvested deer to provide information for making harvest management decisions. We sought to better understand the influence of time lags and population segment (i.e., total adult and total herd density) on the density-physical parameter relationship. Nine long-term harvest data sets (15-31 years duration, median = 26 years) were acquired from populations located across the Southeastern United States which spanned several physiographic provinces and a wide range of densities (1-32 deer/...

Movement Patterns of Muskrats in a Louisiana Coastal Marsh

Diel movement of muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in a Louisiana brackish, coastal marsh was determined using 37 radio-collared muskrats and a total of 2,046 radio fixes during a 13-month period. Monthly home range averaged 0.48 ha but varied considerably among animals; no differences in home ranges were detected among seasons or sex-age classes of muskrats. Also, no differences in hourly movements were found among sex-age classes during periods of day. During winter and spring, differences were detected among individual muskrats. Comparison of seasonal means for all times of day and for all...