M. R. Lennartz

Habitat Use by Southern Fox Squirrel in Coastal South Carolina

We monitored 18 southern fox squirrels (Sciurus niger niger) by telemetry in coastal South Carolina to determine habitat use in relation to availability of habitat types within observed home-range areas. Fox squirrels used leaf nests primarily, although females preferred to nest in cavities during winter. Nests were concentrated in hardwoods with a preference for oak (Quercus spp.) and gum (Nyssa spp.) species with >20 cm DBH (diameter breast height). Fox squirrels preferred (P < 0.01) hardwood, mixed pine-hardwood, and pine with a hardwood midstory habitat types, and ecotone areas...

Red-cockaded Woodpecker Translocation Experiments in South Carolina

Three female red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) were translocated and released separately into 2 colonies with resident bachelor males in April 1986. Two females paired with resident males at their release site. One pair fledged young in 1986, and both pairs fledged young in 1987. The translocation increased the local population from 1 to 3 pairs. Four nestling red-cockadeds were fostered in May 1987. All fostered young fledged. Flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) in all active colonies threatened introductions and nesting attempts. To reduce competition for cavities, flying...