James W. Preacher

Hardness. Alkalinity, ph, And Pond Fertilization

Many ponds in the southeastern United States have waters with less than 20 mg/ I total alkalinity and should be limed to insure good response to inorganic fertilization. Water analysis is the only technique for determining if a pond needs liming, and the liming rate can best be estimated from a lime requirement determination of the bottom mud. In some waters total alkalinity may be high, but total hardness low. Such waters frequently develop dangerously high pH when fertilized. Alum rather than acid forming fertilizers should be used as emergency treatment to prevent fish kills during...

Deterioration Rates Of 35 Bobwhite Quail Foods And Their Preferential Use

Deterioration of 35 bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) foods was measured during the fall and winters of 1974-1976 in the Coastal Plains of South Carolina. Poison ivy (Rhus radicans) and pokeberry (Phytolacca americana) seeds resisted deterioration, while soybeans ( G/ycine max) and mungbeans (Phaseolus sinuatus) deteriorated rapidly. Browntop millet (Panicum ramosum), proso millet (P. miliaceum), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), and three Pinus sp. sprouted during winter. Quail preference for the 35 seeds was determined before and after 120 days of ground contact. Quail were selective...

Evaluation of Habitat Manipulation for Ducks in an Alabama Beaver Pond Complex

A three-year study was initiated in 1972 to evaluate habitat manipulation practices of ducks in a beaver pond complex located at Hardaway, Macon County, Alabama. Three methods for controlling water level were not eflective. Seed yields were determined for four planted and one naturally occurring plant species. Japanese millet (Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea) averaged 2342 kglha: jungle rice (Echinochloa colunum), 1847 kglha; chiwapa millet (Echinochloa frumentacea), 2064 kg/ha; sunflower (Heliantlllls sp.J, 1625 kg/ha; and red-rooted sedge (Cypenls erythrorhizos), & 34 kglha....