Francis X. Lueth

The Third Decade For The Southeastern Section, The Wildlife Society: A Brief History

The Southeastern Section of the Wildlife Society was chartered in 1948 at the second annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners at Lexington. Ky. Highlights of the Section activities for the first 20 years were given by Kennamer (1970). This paper is an attempt to up-date the history for the decade of years 1969 through 1978. Newsletters, Proceedings of Annual Conferences, records of executive board meetings and correspondence files provided the basis for this report. The assistance from the past presidents of the Section in preparing portions of this...

Reproductive Studies Of Some Alabama Deer Herds

White-tail deer (Odecoileus vi'1'Uinianus) were collected on twelve different areas of Alabama to obtain reproductive data. The earliest average conception date was December 4 for Black Warrior Management Area in north Alabama where there was some breeding as early as November 10. Latest average conception date was February 11 for Fred T. Stimpson Sanctuary in south Alabama where some breeding occurred as late as March 21. Conception dates are thought to be influenced by the genetic stock. Fetal sex ratios were nearly 60/50 on all areas. Production per adult doe varied from 2.0 fawns on...