Eugene Hester

The Toxicity of Noxfish and Pro-Noxfish to Eggs of Common Carp and Fathead Minnows

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the toxicity of Noxfish (an emulsifiable formulation containing 5 percent rotenone) and Pro-Noxfish (an emulsifiable formulation containing 2.5 percent rotenone plus 2.5 percent Sulfoxide as a synergist) to eggs of common carp (CyprinMs carpio) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Spawning devices were added to brood ponds and examined daily to obtain eggs of known age for testing. The 325 carp eggs were 24 to 48 hours old when treated. Ninety percent of the carp eggs in control containers hatched. The LD.o's obtained for carp eggs...

The Tolerance of Eight Species of Warm-Water Fishes to Certain Rotenone Formulations

Laboratory tests were conducted in aquaria to determine the effectiveness of Sulfoxide as a synergist to rotenone for use as a fish poison. In order to compare the synergized product with standard formulations, Pro-Noxfish (2.5 percent rotenone, 2.5 percent Sulfoxide,S percent other cube extractives, and an emulsifier) was compared to Noxfish (5.0 percent rotenone, 10 percent other cube extractives, and an emulsifier), and to powdered cube (7.3 percent rotenone). The relative toxicities of the three formulations were found to vary with water temperature, species of fish, and size of...