Laboratory tests were conducted in aquaria to determine the effectiveness of Sulfoxide as a synergist to rotenone for use as a fish poison. In order to compare the synergized product with standard formulations, Pro-Noxfish (2.5 percent rotenone, 2.5 percent Sulfoxide,S percent other cube extractives, and an emulsifier) was compared to Noxfish (5.0 percent rotenone, 10 percent other cube extractives, and an emulsifier), and to powdered cube (7.3 percent rotenone). The relative toxicities of the three formulations were found to vary with water temperature, species of fish, and size of fish tested. Eight species were tested at approximately 70° F. for 72 hours. The concentrations, expressed in p.p.m. of each formulation, which were required for LD.o's were: carp (Noxfish, 0.081; powdered cube, 0.115; Pro-Noxfish, 0.163) ; largemouth bass (Pro-Noxfish, 0.081; Noxfish, 0.147; powdered cube, 0.164) ; fathead minnows (Noxfish, 0.159; Pro-Noxfish, 0.191; powdered cube, 0.200) ; green sunfish (Noxfish, 0.165; Pro-Noxfish, 0.238; powdered cube, 0.246); goldfish (Noxfish, 0.175; powdered cube, 0.218; Pro-Noxfish, 0.242) ; bluegills (Noxfish, 0.179; Pro-Noxfish, 0.255; powdered cube, 0.268); golden shiners (Noxfish, 0.470; Pro-Noxfish, 0.555; powdered cube, 0.620) ; speckled bullheads 1.0 to 1.4 inches (Noxfish, 0.247; powdered cube, 0.346; Pro-Noxfish, 0.410) ; and speckled bullheads 6 to 8 inches (powdered cube, 0.794; Noxfish, 0.844; Pro-Noxfish, 1.033). Six species were tested at approximately 40° F. for 72 hours. The concentrations, expressed in p.p.m. of each formulation, which were required for LD.o's were: carp (Noxfish, 0.190; powdered cube, 0.255: Pro-Noxfish, 0.331); fathead minnows (Noxfish, 0.235; Pro-Noxfish, 0.300; powdered cube, 0.417); bluegills (Noxfish, 0.273; Pro-Noxfish, 0.394; powdered cube, 0.417); golden shiners (Noxfish, 0.599; Pro-Noxfish, 0.737; powdered cube, 1.045); speckled bullheads 1.9 to 2.8 inches (Noxfish, 0.602; Pro-Noxfish, 1.003; powdered cube, 1.201); speckled bullheads 3.0 to 3.7 inches (Noxfish, 1.205; Pro-Noxfish, 1.767; powdered cube, 1.971) ; and goldfish (Noxfish, 1.396; Pro-Noxfish, 2.011; powdered cube, 2.103).