Eugene H. Shannon

Effect Of Temperature Changes Upon Developing Striped Bass Eggs And Fry

A comparison study was made to determine the effects of temperature upon the percent hatch of striped bass eggs and upon fry survival. No significant difference for percent hatch was found at incubation temperatures between 60°F. and 75°F. at 5° increments. Temperature shock between 65°F. and higher temperatures appears to have a more deleterious effect on freshly fertilized eggs than eggs incubated for 16 or 44 hours at 65°F. before transfer to the same higher test temperatures. Fry produced at 65°F. and transferred to the various test temperatures two days after hatching showed an...

Preliminary Observations Of The Effect Of Temperature On Striped Bass Eggs And Sac Fry

Data gathered at the Weldon Striped Bass Hatchery, Weldon, North Carolina, during the years 1960-1967 indicated that the optimum spawning temperature range for striped bass in the Roanoke River was between 62" F. and 67" F. The minimum recorded temperature at which spawning has occurred was 55" F. and the maximum was 71· F. Preliminary bioassays conducted at the hatchery during the 1967 spawning season substantiated this optimum temperature range, and further revealed that at temperatures of 74" F. to 80· F., the percent hatch dropped from 80 to 60 and the frequency of dead and...

Geographical Distribution And Habitat Requirements Of The Redbreast Sunfish Lepomis Auritus In North Carolina

In order to determine the distribution and habitat requirements of the redbreast sunfish Lepomis auritus (Linnaeus) in the streams and reservoirs of North Carolina, a more detailed analysis of the data were extrapolated from previous watershed and reservoir survey reports made by personnel of the Wildlife Resources Commission from 1956 to 1966. It was concluded from the study that: (1) Redbreast sunfish inhabit 23 of the 26 major watersheds within the State; (2) Redbreast sunfish inhabit (a) waters reaching elevations up to 3,500 feet, (b) waters having up to eight percent sea-water...