Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (ISSN 2330-5142) presents papers that cover all aspects of the management and conservation of inland, estuarine, and marine fisheries and wildlife. It aims to provide a forum where fisheries and wildlife managers can find innovative solutions to the problems facing our natural resources in the 21st century. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that cover scientific studies, case studies, and review articles on a wide range of topics of interest and use to fish and wildlife managers, with an emphasis on the southeastern United States.


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4401 - 4425 of 4810 articles | 25 per page | page 177


During the six years 1952 to 1957, a total of 13,269 waterfowl of three species (lesser scaup, redhead and canvasback) were banded in Maryland. From these, 1,125 band recoveries had been reported to June, 1958. Bands recovered through hunters (shot) made up the great majority of all reported, ranging from 91.9 percent of all recovered for lesser scaup to 96.5 percent for redheads. Waterfowl of the three species investigated were reported from 33 states, six Canadian provinces and the Bahamas. Some idea of the chronological order of migration was obtained by plotting band recovery reports by monthly and biweekly periods for the various states. The percentages of bands recovered for the three species were compared. Some apparent differences were noted in the first year recovery rates of adults and juveniles banded during the post-hunting season period.