A. Woolf

Evidence for and Consequences of Deer Harvest Data Biases

Harvest data constitute an important source of information for the deer manager, but interpretation can be complicated by reporting bias, hunter selectivity, differential vulnerability, and aging errors. Daily harvest records for >165,000 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) taken during 1979-85 Illinois firearm seasons were examined for evidence of bias. Antlered males were apparently killed at a higher rate than other classes of deer; consequently, they became relatively less numerous in the herd and in the harvest as the season advanced. Yearling males, in particular, were...

Can Sun and Moon Charts Predict Wildlife Activity?

Systems claiming to predict fish and wildlife activity based on solar and lunar gravitational forces are popular among sportsmen. If valid, these could have implications for wildlife management. Two such systems, the Solunar Tables® and Fish and Game Forecastet, were evaluated using data from free-ranging and captive birds and mammals. Neither system accurately or consistently predicted activity, although some data sets revealed suggestive relationships.