William E. Palmer

Vegetation Characteristics in Seasonal-disked Fields and at Bobwhite Brood Locations

Disking fallow fields is a management practice commonly used to promote early successional habitats for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) broods. However, effects on habitat value for bobwhite broods from different seasonal timing of disking is poorly understood. We compared vegetation composition and structure among fall-disked fields (N=24), spring-disked fields (N=26) and bobwhite brood locations determined by telemetry (N=22 broods). Both disking treatments produced more bare ground and visual obstruction than brood locations. In a joining cluster analysis based on vegetation...

Maintaining Early-successional Habitats Using a Metal Wick Herbicide Applicator

We tested the efficacy of an aluminum wick herbicide applicator, the Weed Sweep®, for control of hardwood and pine saplings, 1994-1996. We compared spring and fall applications in 1 trial and, in a second trial, tested 2 herbicide mixes: glyphosate mixed with either trichlopyr or imazapyr. Herbicides plots had 78% fewer sapling stems/ha than control plots (P < 0.006). May applications of glyphosate/imazapyr provided greater control of hardwoods but lower control of pines than September applications (P < 0.05). Also, glyphosate/imazapyr provided greater control of hardwoods than...

Pre-incubation Habitat Use by Wild Turkey Hens in Central Mississippi

Habitat use of forested landscapes by wild turkey hens (Meleagris gallopavo) during pre-incubation is poorly documented. Information is needed on how vegetative conditions resulting from forest management influence hen movements, habitat use, and reproductive success. We studied habitat relations of wild turkey hens (TV = 111) during pre-incubation in central Mississippi, 1985-1989. Groundstory composition and structure were different (P < 0.05) between areas used and not used by hens. Hens used areas with relatively low (ˉx = 28 cm) groundstory canopies composed of mostly (79%) grasses...

Reproductive Effort and Success in a Declining Wild Turkey Population

We monitored reproductive effort and success of a wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) population on a public wildlife management area in Mississippi for 9 years using telemetry and other indices. Adult hens (N = 143) had a nesting rate of 72.7% (range 54-100) and was greater (P = 0.0001) than the nesting rate (26.7%) of juvenile hens (N = 15). Annual nest success of 104 nests of adult hens averaged 30.8% (range 0-62) and poult survival to >50 days was 22.7% for 27 broods (N = 203 poults). Clutch size averaged 9.1 (SE = 0.54) and 6.7 (SE = 1.1), and hatchability was 93% and 100%, for first...