William B. Frankenberger

A Portable Root-Door Hog Trap

Since the early 1960's, over 4,500 wild hogs (Sus scrota) have been relocated through Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission trapping operations. The trap now used by the Florida Commission is described. It is basically an open-top, sectional trap consisting of 4 separable panels with a multiple-capture root-door in one panel.

Distribution, Relative Abundance and Management Needs of Feral Hogs in Florida

One hundred and fifty-eight questionnaires were mailed to Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission wildlife officers, wildlife biologists and managers, and private and federal foresters in June 1975. The questionnaire asked for information on the distribution, relative abundance, and trends in feral hog (Sus scrofa) populations from 1965 to 1975 in Florida. Results from the 117 respondents indicated that feral hogs were present in 66 of the 67 counties, that the densest populations are in large, heavily forested tracts, and that populations have decreased or remained approximately...