Willard W. Thomaston

The Use of Antimycin (Fintrol) in Farm Ponds in Georgia

The results from the use of antimycin A in Georgia fish ponds as a fish toxicant within the period 1968-1974 are presented in the following paper. Concentrations of antimycin at 0.4 to 0.6 parts per billion (ppb) were found to be the most desirable range for reducing populations of scalefish in attempting to improve balance and/ or to improve fishing. For controlling all sizes of scalefish in catfish ponds, concentrations of 2.0 and 4.0 ppb seemed effective. The gravity flow method of application by boat was found to be adequate, but other means of application could be used successfully....

Results of a Six Year Investigation of Chemical Soil and Water Analysis and Lime Treatment in Georgia Fish Ponds

In some Georgia farm ponds a satisfactory phytoplankton growth is not produced following the application of normal amounts of fertilizer. Chemical investigations indicated a slightly acid condition and a low total hardness in these problem ponds. This condition was corrected by the addition of one ton per acre of agricultural lime or with varying amounts of hydrated lime added periodically. Phytoplankton production was definitely improved in over 100 Georgia farm ponds after the addition of lime. The average total hardness increase in these ponds, using agricultural lime at the rate of...