S. C. Yaich

Plant Response to Moist-soil Management in Southeastern Arkansas

We examined plant response to moist-soil management in the delta region of Arkansas in 1985-87. We monitored 3 fields subjected to May, June, and July drawdowns and passive management (no summer irrigation). Total seed production varied from 253 to 1,288 kg/ha and vegetation mass ranged from 1,070 to 4,880 kg/ha. Seed production was more dependent on year and field effects than on drawdown date. Fall panicum (Panicum dichotomiflorum) was the most important seed producer and longpod sesbania (Sesbania macrocarpa) was the major problem species. Primrose willow species (Ludwigia spp.) became...

Distribution and Habitat Use of Snow and Whitefronted Geese in Arkansas

We used winter aerial survey data to evaluate abundance, distribution, and habitat use of snow (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and white-fronted geese (Anser alhifrons) wintering in Arkansas' Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV). Longterm survey data indicate that numbers of both species have increased more than lO-fold during the past decade, with recent maximum survey counts of 503,000 and 19,000 for snow and white-fronted geese, respectively. During our study (198589), snow geese were distributed throughout Arkansas' MAV, but most whitefronted geese were observed in the southern portion...