Robert B. McGeachin

Culture Of Chinese Waterchestnuts In The Southeastern United States

Two .05 ha ponds were planted with water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) corms in March 1978. After the waterchestnuts had sprouted the ponds were flooded in late March to an average depth of 15 em, and remained flooded until mid-October 1978. The ponds were drained and left dry until February 1979 when they were harvested. One pond had excellent production throughout, leading to an extrapolated level of 13,600 kg! ha. The other pond had good production only along the sides and in the shallow end due to high turbidity and unfavorably low soil pH. Production in the second pond was at the rate...

Food Habits Of Fishes Associated With Marshland Developed On Dredged Material

The food habits of Micropogon undulatus, Leiostomus xanthurus, Fundulus similis. Cyprinodon variegatus. Menidia beryllina and Membras martinica were studied in conjunction with the development of a man-made salt marsh planted during 1976 on Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston Bay, TX. Each of the fishes studied fed to a considerable extent on the benthos community, and utilized at least some zooplanktonic and terrestrial insect foods. The dominant food organisms in the fish stomachs examined corresponded, in general, with those previously reported by other investigators. The artificially created...

Algae-Fed Brine Shrimp Nauplii As A Food Source For Larval Spotted Seatrout

Larval spotted seatrout (Cymoscion nebulosus) grew faster on 1 and 2 day prefed brine shrimp (Artemia salina) nauplii than fish fed newly-hatched nauplii. Fish growth and survival were reduced when 3 and 4 day pref.ed, as compared with newlyhatched nauplii were offered. Proximate analysis and calorimetry demonstrated the occurrence of a temporal decline in the nutritional value of both fed and unfed brine shrimp nauplii. At the relatively low levels of algal cell concentration available for prefeeding brine shrimp, this study indicates that I day old unfed nauplii are nutritionally equal...