Deer Use of Riparian Zones and Adjacent Pine Plantations in Texas
We monitored white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) use of riparian zones (RZs) and adjacent pine plantations of 3 age classes (young, 1 -3 years old; intermediate, 5-7 years old; and older, 9-13 years old) using radio telemetry for 2 years on a 1,300- ha study area near Alto, Texas. Riparian zones comprised 22.0% of the area; young, intermediate, and older pine plantations comprised 19.1%, 45.7%, and 13.2%, respectively. Based on data from 4 to 9 deer the first year and 12 to 17 deer the second year, home ranges averaged 103, 71, 95, and 114 ha during spring, summer, fall, and winter...