Mitchell D. Norman

Results of Lake Powell, Virginia, Creel Census from 1970 to 1983

Creel census data for a 14-year period (1970-1983) from Lake Powell show a high quality fishery for this 25.1-ha lake. Fishing pressure averaged 203.8 hours/ha/year, and the total fish harvest averaged 191.8 kg/ha/year. Average annual harvests of the major game species were: 62.4 kg/ha, bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus); 11.6 kg/ha, redear sunfish, (L. microlophus); 11.9 kg/ha, black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus); 10.5 kg/ha, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides); and 4.8 kg/ha, chain pickerel (Esox niger). Average weights of the creeled pan fishes were well above normal. Catch rates...