M. C. Conner

Heterogeneity in Observability of White-tailed Deer on Remington Farms

Population estimates of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) based on marking individuals and resighting them at later times require assumptions about observability that are rarely verified. Yet the accuracy of estimates depends on meeting the assumptions. At Remington Farms on the eastern shore of Maryland, we tested accuracy of mark-resight population estimates from the heterogeneity model (Mh) of the CAPTURE program against a known abundance of a marked subpopulation of the herd. We also tested the assumption of heterogeneous capture probabilities. We conducted evening road counts...

Survival Rates and Adult Accompaniment of White-tailed Deer Fawns on Remington Farms

During the summer and fall of 1991 and 1992, 48 (21 M:27 F) white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns were captured and radiocollared (N = 43) on Remington Farms near Chestertown, Maryland. Survival of radio-collared fawns, from 1 week old until the fall hunting season, was 91%. Collared fawn mortality (N = 9) was due to abandonment, tick infestation, infection, and roadkill. Visual locations (N = 1,229) were collected to determine adult accompaniment rates for radio-collared fawns. The likelihood of a fawn being with or without an adult was independent of sex of the fawn (P > 0....