Lawrence H. Robinson

Dove Proso Millet—New Mourning Dove Food?

"Dove" proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), a new variety of proso millet, is being planted to attract doves in the Southeast. A food habit study was initiated to determine the desirability of dove proso as a mourning dove (Zenaidura macroura) food as compared with browntop millet (Panicum ram08um L.). Field trial plantings of equal acreages of dove proso and browntop millet were made in nine counties of South Carolina from 1966-1970. Crops of 152 mourning doves were collected and analyzed. Eighty-six of the crops were collected from a single trial field on Oakland Club, Berkeley County....

Introduction Of Exotic Game Birds In South Carolina

Trial releases of three species of exotic game birds were made on nine areas in South Carolina by the South Carolina Wildlife Resources Department. The black francolin was released on four areas from 1960 to 1962. The Western Iranian black-neck pheasant was released on five areas from 1961 to 1968. The red junglefowl was released on three areas from 1965 to 1968. A study was made of seven of the release sites to determine population levels of the released birds and to survey the vegetation. The black francolin exhibited generally negative census results two years after the last release...