Lawrence E. McSwain

Managing a Controversial Goose Hunt on a Suburban Reservoir

A 1993 hunt for Canada geese (Branta canadensis) on 15,390-ha Lake Sidney Lanier, near Atlanta, was the most controversial hunting event to date in Georgia. The hunt was proposed principally as an effort to reduce nuisance problems from a goose flock numbering 1,500-2,000 birds. Media and public attention was intense for several months preceding the hunt with at least 29 articles published in both local and statewide newspapers. Media attention peaked on the first day of the hunt with 4 television stations, 2 newspapers, and 1 radio station covering the hunt on site. Special regulations...

Influence of Success on Hunter Satisfaction and Deer Management Objectives

We used the 1988, 1989, and 1991 annual mail surveys to Georgia hunters to compare attitudes of successful and unsuccessful deer hunters. All hunters rated seeing game and lack of crowding as the most important components of hunter satisfaction. Important factors contributing to a positive perception of hunting season quality included number of deer observed and harvest success. All hunters indicated the opportunity to hunt for trophies as more important than killing game; however, successful deer hunters rated trophy opportunity higher than did unsuccessful deer hunters. The presence of...

Life History of Warmouth in the Suwannee River and Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia

Life history data were collected from Suwannee River and Okefenokee Swamp warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) from 19 July 1968 through 28 June 1973. Suwannee River warmouth became sexually mature in the third year of life. while warmouth from the Okefenokee Swamp became sexually mature in the second year of life. Collection of fecund warmouth suggested that the nesting season extended from April to late July or early August and that peak spawning generally occurred in early May. Fecundity estimates varied from 3,029 to 22,850 ova per female and generally increased with fish length. The average...

Life History of the Redbreast Sunfish in the Satilla River, Georgia

Life history data were collected from redbreast sunfish. Lepomis Quritus (Linnaeus). in the Satilla River between 1 July 1970 and 30 June 1973, Spawning was observed in the Little Satilla River during May and June at water temperatures from 22.2°-24.4°C. Strong site preference was evident. Nests were associated with fallen trees, stumps. or logs. The average nest diameter was 93.5 em and the preferred substrate was sand. Sex ratio was I male to 1.49 females. Fecundity estimates ranged from 322 to 9206 ova per female around a mean of 3302 ova. Fecundity increased with both length and weight...