Julianne Whitaker

Home-range Size and Overlap of Eastern Kentucky Bobcats

Ten adult bobcats (Felis rufus) were located by radio-telemetry during 15 months in Breathitt County, Kentucky. Annual home ranges, calculated by using the 95% Minimum Convex Polygon Method, averaged 59.4 km2 (range 14.5-133.3 km2 , N = 6) for males and 4.7 km2 (range 2.8-8.1 km2 , N = 4) for females. Female intrasexual overlap was not observed, while male intrasexual overlap averaged 71 %. There were no differences among seasons in home-range size or percentage overlap for males or females (P > 0.05). Variability in home-range size and the high degree of male intrasexual overlap may...