Bluegill Populations Associated with Water Lily, Water Shield and Pondweed Stands: Management Implications
Small bluegills {Lepomis macrochirus) were collected weekly with unbaited minnow traps from stands of water lily (Nymphaea odorata), water shield (Brasenia schreberi), and pondweed {Potamogeton nodosus) located in Bluff Lake, Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, during July-October 1990 (JV = 1 5 sample dates). Average stem density within macrophyte stands was 19.25 (SD = 2.31), 208.81 (SD = 12.92), and 866.50 (SD = 75.11) stems/m2 for water lily, water shield, and pondweed, respectively. Pondweed exhibited significantly higher surface coverage (proportion of...