James E. Sykes

Multiple Utilization of Gulf Coast Estuaries

It is estimated that some 7500 square miles or 4,800,000 acres of estuarine area exist on the periphery of the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf commercial catches of fish and shel1fish in 1960 consisted of over 1 billion pounds of estuarine dependent species. The contribution of Gulf estuaries ~ward these catches amounted to approximately 230 pounds per acre. The evaluation of estuaries is discussed in terms of total production including other forms of organic matter. Beneficial and detrimental uses of shal1ow-water coastal areas are cited.

A Method Of Determining The Sex Of The Striped Bass (Roccus Saxatilis) (Walbaum)

A method is described for sexing striped bass through use of serrated jaw ear forceps. The instrument is used to extract gonads from dead fish in samples of commercial catches, without incurring damage to the fish which affects the market quality. The gonads are examined later in the laboratory and are identified as male or female. The technique has proven satisfactory in large scale sampling of commercial catches. This method also holds promise for use on other species of fish in which sex ratio studies are important.